Postdoctoral fellow in RNA Bioinformatics and Transcriptome Analysis
The Center for non-coding RNA in Technology and Health in Copenhagen (part of ELIXIR-Denmark) is inviting applications for a Postdoctoral fellow in RNA Bioinformatics and Transcriptome Analysis to join their group as soon as possible.
EXCELERATE Project (internal) communication channels
Slides presented on EXCELERATE Project (internal) communication channels by EXCELERATE Project Manager, Stephanie Suhr at the EXCELERATE Kick off meeting, December 2015
ELIXIR Events Officer
ELIXIR, the European research infrastructure for bioinformatics and life-science data, is recruiting a dynamic and self-motivated Events Officer to join the team at the ELIXIR Secretariat in Hinxton, UK.
The core purpose of the ELIXIR Events Officer role is to ensure that ELIXIR events are organised and delivered with effective scheduling, clarity on logistics and overall operational excellence. ELIXIR is responsible for the delivery of many onsite and offsite workshops, conference exhibitions and closed meetings with internal and external stakeholders. The role will support the organization of many events funded through European Commission programmes.It will also support the implementation of ELIXIR’s Innovation and SME programme through event organization and communications.