ELIXIR is seeking an experienced Project Manager to join the dynamic and international team at the ELIXIR Hub in Hinxton, UK. The main purpose of this role is to project manage ELIXIR-EXCELERATE, a large Horizon 2020-funded project coordinated by ELIXIR, to ensure successful completion and transformative impact of this project.

Part of the growing project management unit at the ELIXIR Hub, the ELIXIR-EXCELERATE project manager is a senior role commensurate with the needs of a large, complex and international project. The post holder will report to the ELIXIR Senior Project manager and work in close collaboration with the technical and platform coordinators at the ELIXIR Hub as well as with colleagues at the ELIXIR Nodes throughout Europe.

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AAI production

There are two direct AAI Implementation Studies and a number of others that are associated with the project (links at the bottom of this page).

2017 Implementation Study assessed the operation of the ELIXIR AAI, including

A microbial metabolism resource for Systems Biology

The microbial world provides an abundant source of biological catalysts for chemicals of medical and economic interest such as pharmaceuticals and biofuels. However, a sustainable resource for systems biology, that integrates experimental and predicted data on microbial metabolism, is still lacking. This Implementation Study defines the requirements for a European Bioinformatics resource for microbial metabolism as well as providing a practical demonstration of how existing funded resources from ELIXIR partners could be integrated to meet those needs.

Towards a distributed Ensembl

This Implementation Study shaped the development of a distributed model for Ensembl, whereby multiple ELIXIR Nodes use common infrastructure to provide an integrated service to users, each focused on their own areas of interest and expertise.

This approach will increase the quality of available data, and simplify data access for users by allowing the participation of many Nodes in a single service. The study is a natural complement to Task 10.3 "Capacity Building in Genome Assembly and Annotation" in the EXCELERATE project.