Container Orchestration (2022-23)

Coordinate the provision and operation of a standards-compliant container orchestration platform to allow execution of containerised software tools & workflow workloads supporting public and sensitive data across ELIXIR Nodes. To enable containers to be deployed and operated at scale and across cloud systems through the container orchestration platform in standardised formats which will:

ELIXIR Hybrid Cloud (2022-23)

Coordinate technical, operational and funding aspects of cloud, data and compute services across
Europe for the ELIXIR and larger Life Science community within a seamless hybrid cloud ecosystem.
Implement a hybrid cloud ecosystem interoperable with key resources that is accessible to
researchers spanning:

Software Best Practices (2022-23)

The aim of this task is to raise the Quality and Sustainability of research software by producing, promoting, measuring and adopting best practices applied to the software development life cycle. So far, efforts of this group have led to the publications of the four simple recommendations to encourage best practices in research software and the Top 10 metrics for life science software good practices.

Weekly Brief, 29 November 2021

This week's highlights

Meet the new members of staff at the ELIXIR Hub

Over the past few months we have welcomed a number of new members of staff. All these individuals join ELIXIR in newly created roles, reflecting the expanding portfolio of projects and activities that ELIXIR engages with. If you haven't met them yet (virtually or otherwise), here's your chance to find out a little more about them!

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