PhD position in the area of DNA Storage
Engagement Call with Elixir AAI V. on 4 May 2022
In this call the implementers of GA4GH Cloud APIs in ELIXIR describe how the Workflow Execution Service (WES) and Task Execution Service (TES) enables a researcher to “bring compute to data” and how WES and TES make use of GA4GH Passports and other features of ELIXIR/Life Science AAI.
This call is open to anybody from the community who is interested in the GA4GH Cloud APIs and their integration to ELIXIR/Life Science AAI.
See TESS for more information.
Systems Administrator
Django / Python Developer
Weekly Brief, 25 April 2022
This week's highlights
SIS-Containers: Opportunity to submit use case proposals
Deadline 11 May
ELIXIR Communities and Focus Groups are encouraged to submit use case proposals benefitting from adopting and deploying containers. Selected use cases will engage with the Strategic Implementation Study on Containers to make their scientific results more reproducible.
Find out more and propose use cases through this short survey.
Key Contributors Update, 22 April 2022
For Action
The registration link for the ELIXIR Heads of Nodes Retreat was sent to Heads of Nodes on 1 April. All relevant information regarding accommodation arrangements can be found in the Eventscase registration.