Weekly Brief, 13 June 2022

This week's highlights

Thank you for joining us in Amsterdam!

Thank you to all that attended, spoke at and engaged with the ELIXIR All Hands 2022. It was great to see everyone having lively discussions in person. We look forward to meeting with you all again next year in Ireland, 5-8 June 2023!

Engagement Call with Elixir AAI VI. on 22 June 2022

In this call we provide a short introduction to Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI), a new paradigm for identity and access management. We then demonstrate a proof of concept for writing a researcher’s permissions to access a genomic dataset in their SSI wallet (in their smartphone) and then using it for accessing the datasets in a computing environment.

This call is open to anybody from the community who is interested in Self-sovereign identity, a new identity management paradigm. 

See TESS for more information.

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