ELITMa logoEmpowering ELIXIR staff members

The ELIXIR network has grown significantly in recent years, with several new Nodes and Communities joining. To effectively support the planning and delivery of Node activities such as coordination, training, service provision, infrastructure management, events and communication, it’s essential to empower new and existing ELIXIR members in growing their skills and capacities. Members also need easy access to key information, including clear onboarding pathways to participate in the wide range of activities across ELIXIR.

In 2019, the ELITMa management training programme was initiated to address these needs – ELITMa modules are designed for ELIXIR Node staff. In 2023, five modules were delivered, covering topics such as governance, Node data management strategy, strategic management, financial management and project management. In the near future, the programme will offer ten modular training courses on operations and management, including technical management. These activities are part of the EU-funded ELIXIR-STEERS project and PeoplePulse, the internally-funded ELIXIR project.

By the Nodes, for the Nodes 

Experts from the Nodes develop, lead and deliver ELITMa modules to benefit all ELIXIR members. Each module has a dedicated contact person at the ELIXIR Hub, to ensure alignment of strategic goals between the Hub and Nodes. As part of the PeoplePulse Project, an ELITMa Steering Group will be set up, with representatives from the Hub and Nodes. This group will oversee and guide the content, development and integration of the growing ELITMa portfolio.

Current efforts focus on consolidating and rolling out existing modules, as well as designing, developing and delivering the newly-planned ones. This will involve collaboration between ELIXIR-STEERS and the PeoplePulse internal project. The team will also engage with the wider ELIXIR community, inviting colleagues to contribute their expertise to ELITMa module development. The course portfolio will be developed using Training Platform resources and best practices, and showcased in the Training Platform portal SPLASH – short for Skills, Professional development, Learning Assessment, Support and Help. The ELITMa development team will also coordinate with the Professionalising Careers in Research Infrastructures Focus Group. Please contact Celia van Gelder at celia.vangelder@health-ri.nl if you would like to contribute.

ELITMa module overview

A comprehensive introduction to European and global research infrastructures, focusing on ELIXIR’s role and associated modules designed to enhance skills in various areas such as data management, strategic management, leadership and communication. Each module targets specific roles within ELIXIR Nodes, offering practical tools and best practices.

Module 1: ELIXIR introduction and governance

This module introduces European and global research infrastructures, including regulatory bodies like ESFRI. It focuses on ELIXIR’s role within this landscape, focusing on the five-year scientific programme’s mission and operations.

  • Learning objectives:
    • Understand the research infrastructure landscape and ELIXIR's role within it
    • Navigate and integrate ELIXIR features with national nodes
  • Delivery: First course delivered in 2023. Next course scheduled for 2025
  • Course leads: Ana Teresa Freitas (ELIXIR Portugal), Ivana Versic (ELIXIR Hub)

Module 2: Node data management strategy

Designed for Node Coordinators and data managers, this module provides best practices from ELIXIR’s data management tools and services.

  • Learning objectives:
    • Navigate the ELIXIR data management portfolio
    • Develop or refine Node data management strategies for better data stewardship
  • Delivery: First course delivered in 2023. Next course scheduled for 2025
  • Course leads: Mijke Jetten (ELIXIR Netherlands), Celia van Gelder (ELIXIR Netherlands), Fabio Liberante (ELIXIR Hub)

Module 3: Strategic management

This module introduces lightweight tools and frameworks for monitoring and tracking strategic objectives using quantitative and qualitative indicators.

  • Learning objectives: Apply strategic management tools to effectively optimise resources and implement goals
  • Delivery: First course developed for EMMRI and delivered in 2023 as part of the OATEN staff exchange. Currently on hold
  • Course leads: Juan Arenas (ELIXIR Hub)

Module 4: Leading teams in ELIXIR

Aimed at ELIXIR Node staff and internal project leaders, this module develops leadership and team management skills.

  • Learning objectives:
    • Develop leadership skills in goal setting, delegation, feedback, coaching and conflict resolution
    • Adapt strategies for multicultural and virtual team environments
  • Delivery: Module design is complete; the team is currently looking for Nodes who would like to get involved in developing and delivering the module
  • Course leads: Ivana Versic (ELIXIR Hub)

Module 5: Legal and ethical issues

This workshop addresses ethical and legal challenges faced by ELIXIR Nodes, providing tools and mechanisms for managing these issues.

  • Learning objectives:
    • Develop an understanding of legal and ethical standards within ELIXIR Nodes
    • Identify best practices and contribute to revising the ELIXIR ELSI Policy
  • Delivery: To be designed and delivered in 2025
  • Course leads: Louiza Kalokairinou, Vera Herkommer (both ELIXIR Hub)

Module 6: Communication

This module educates ELIXIR members on effective internal communication, a cornerstone for organisational growth.

  • Learning objectives:
    • Enhance skills for clear and effective communication within the organisation
    • Promote collaboration and information sharing across ELIXIR
  • Development and delivery: Design completed in 2023. Delivery to occur within the context of PeoplePulse
  • Course leads: Xènia Pérez Sitjà (ELIXIR UK), Elaine Harrison (ELIXIR Hub)

Module 7: Financial management

Participants will learn theoretical and practical financial management techniques for ELIXIR Nodes, including internal control and risk management.

  • Learning objectives:
    • Manage Node financial operations effectively
    • Understand the importance of internal controls and risk management
  • Delivery: Delivered in 2023 as part of the OATEN staff exchange. Currently on hold
  • Course lead: Juan Arenas (ELIXIR Hub)

Module 8: Project management

This module promotes project management best practices and provides a flexible, open-access tool adaptable for each Node’s requirements.

  • Learning objectives:
    • Implement project management best practices using adaptable tools
    • Customise project management tools to meet Node-specific needs
  • Delivery: Delivered in 2023 as part of the OATEN staff exchange. Currently on hold
  • Course lead: Juan Arenas (ELIXIR Hub)

Module 9: Impact

Module 9: Impact First delivered as part of the SPARKLE staff exchange in 2024, further development will occur as part of the PeoplePulse project.

  • Learning objective:
    • Understand methods for measuring and demonstrating impact within ELIXIR Nodes
    Course leads: Mariana Freitas (ELIXIR Portugal), Francesca de Leo (ELIXIR Italy), Ingeborg Winge (ELIXIR Norway)

Module 10: Carbon footprint

The first course is under development in collaboration with ELIXIR-STEERS and SPARKLE staff exchange projects, involving Nodes from Portugal, Italy, Norway and the Hub.

  • Learning objective:
    • Learn techniques for measuring and reducing the carbon footprint of ELIXIR activities
  • Course leads: Ana Teresa Freitas, Mariana de Freitas (ELIXIR Portugal), Ingeborg Winge (ELIXIR Norway)

Note: The ELITMa programme was originally conceived with input from Ana Portugal Melo, whose early contributions were key to shaping ELITMa’s vision.

Find out more

For information about ELITMa modules, please contact the specific course lead/s.

Want to know more about the history of ELITMa? See a June 2024 webinar with a summary of ELITMa's history and next steps.