Node Service Selection Process


The ELIXIR SAB recommended that ELIXIR prepare guidelines as to how a Node might develop a process to best select Node-funded services to be included in the Node Service Delivery Plan (SDP). This document is a response to that recommendation and the guidelines are based on best practices and examples from a number of Nodes, as well as suggestions from the ELIXIR SAB. The guidelines have been reviewed by the ELIXIR Technical Coordinators and the Heads of Nodes Committee. 

ELIXIR sets high standards for the services it provides and many ELIXIR services set the quality standard in the domain. ELIXIR services should offer a comprehensive or authoritative service and demonstrate quantifiable benefits to the scientific community, for example ELIXIR services accelerate science through promotion of reuse of data and software.

ELIXIR Services, including those put forward by ELIXIR Nodes and included in the SDPs provide eligibility for funding opportunities and consideration for inclusion in ELIXIR Key Service Collections (currently Core Data Resources, ELIXIR Deposition Databases and Recommended Interoperability Resources). ELIXIR Services are listed on the ELIXIR website.

Each Node that has developed a Service Selection Process which is reviewed and recommended by the ELIXIR SAB will be able to periodically update the services included in their Service Delivery Plan without further reference to the ELIXIR SAB.  


  • Each Node is expected to define and document a process for selecting candidate services that are appropriate to the Node, using the guidelines in this document. 
  • The ELIXIR SAB reviews the proposed selection process and recommends changes, if applicable. 
  • When the SAB considers the process to be suitable, the SAB will recommend that the Node continues to use this process when selecting new services. 
  • If this process is followed, the SAB recommends ELIXIR to approve the inclusion of new services into ELIXIR.  
  • Once a Node has selected new services based on a recommended process, the Head of Node contacts the ELIXIR Director to notify of the addition.
  • Periodically, the ELIXIR SAB will review each Node, including the Services and the selection process. 


The services selection process will vary according to the requirements of each Node. However, all processes will be expected to adhere to the set of common principles outlined in the table below: 

Common principles


Decision maker in selection process

  • The Node leadership  
  • Node SAB 
  • Constituent Institutes

Regularity of selection process

  • Annually
  • Every second year 
  • As and when required


  • The Node will invite expressions of interest from Institutes
  • The process should be transparent and inclusive
  • Identify Node staff responsible for managing the process


requirements for inclusion

A Service will...

  • Demonstrate scientific and/or technical excellence. 
  • Show benefit to the scientific community, comparable to existing ELIXIR Services.
  • Be actively maintained with up-to-date data where appropriate.
  • Be life-cycle managed, to include periodic review and recommendations for sunsetting.
  • Have clear terms-of-use, license policies and adhere to all relevant ethical and privacy policies and requirements. 
  • Have described in their documentation the alignment with the FAIR principles.
  • Be aligned with the ELIXIR Mission and strategy.
  • Have the potential for cross-Node collaborations.
  • Be in production state and routinely accessible, with minimal downtime.
  • As appropriate, Services should be registered in ELIXIR registries such as, FAIRsharing and use where applicable for identifiers. 
  • Training materials for ELIXIR Services should be listed in TeSS.
  • As appropriate, Services should implement technical solutions prioritised within ELIXIR, such as AAI, to maximise return on ELIXIR investment.