This week's highlights
Assessing the performance and impact of research infrastructures An annotated bibliography
This document collates, in the form of an annotated bibliography, a wide range of published works that are relevant to assessing the performance and impact of research infrastructures. This is the first public-facing version of an otherwise internal document, never meant to be exhaustive, yet very likely to be useful to others outside of ELIXIR.
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Recording for the impact webinar is now available
Last week, ELIXIR held an impact webinar focusing on increase capacity in impact evaluation across a set of national ELIXIR Nodes. If you are interested in the topic but couldnt join the webinar, the presentation slides and recording are now available online!
Watch the recording
Recommended reads
MiOS, an integrated imaging and computational strategy to model gene folding with nucleosome resolution
The linear sequence of DNA provides invaluable information about genes and their regulatory elements along chromosomes. However, to fully understand gene function and regulation, we need to dissect how genes physically fold in the three-dimensional nuclear space. With Modeling immuno-OligoSTORM, the authors explore intercellular variability, transcriptional-dependent gene conformation, and folding of housekeeping and pluripotency-related genes in human pluripotent and differentiated cells, thereby obtaining the highest degree of data integration achieved so far to our knowledge.
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Proteomic Characterization of SAS Cell-Derived Extracellular Vesicles in Relation to Both BPA and Neutron Irradiation Doses
An ELIXIR Implementation Study
Boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) is a selective radiotherapy based on nuclear reaction that occurs when 10B atoms accumulated in cancer cells are irradiated by thermal neutrons, triggering a nuclear fission response leading to cell death. Proteomics investigation can be useful to study BNCT effect and identify potential biomarkers. In this study, the reserachers performed proteomic analysis with nanoLC-MS/MS on extracellular vesicles isolated from SAS cultures treated or not with 10B-boronophenylalanine and different doses of neutron irradiation, to study the cellular response related to both boron administration and neutrons action.
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Updates from Nodes
Artificial intelligence helps researchers find suitable drugs based on patients genetic data and cancer cell samples
The iCAN-PEDI study, investigating drug treatments and drug responses in children with cancer, is a part of the large-scale iCAN Flagship project of Academy of Finland. The study combines genetic and epigenetic information on the patients cancer with data on the drug testing of patient derived cancer cells. The project aims to deliver findings that may affect treatment approaches back to the doctors to help them construct more individualised treatment approaches.
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Exploring the World of Systems Biology Modeling: An Interview with the Instructors of the de.NBI Training Course
The 'Tools for Systems Biology Modeling and Data Exchange' de.NBI training course is set to guide participants through an immersive journey into the world of computational modeling and data exchange. In this interview, the instructors explain the curriculum of the upcoming de.NBI training course Tools for Systems biology modeling and data exchange.
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Updates from Communities
hCNV Community welcomes new co-leads
The hCNV Community welcomes two new co-leads to join Michael Baudis. Krzysztof Poterlowicz from the U.K. Node and Antonio Rausell from the French Node.
Krzysztof is currently working on projects that involve the development of hCNV tools and the creation of Galaxy Training Network tutorials centred on hCNV analysis and integration. Antonio has been extensively involved in the development of bioinformatics strategies for the assessment of human CNVs in clinical settings and working on Federated Learning settings enabling multiple institutions to collaboratively train machine-learning models without sharing their local CNV datasets.
The Community members also want to thank the outgoing hCNV co-leads Christophe Broud and David Salgado for the expertise, skills and enthusiasm that they have brought to the hCNV Community.
Upcoming ELIXIR events & webinars
ELIXIR Training Courses & Webinars
The ELIXIR TeSS portal has a variety of interesting events and courses organised by the ELIXIR Nodes. For more, visit TeSS portal
BioSB course: Algorithms for Genomics
9-13 October 2023 | Delft, the Netherlands
ELIXIR-LU: Power analysis in research studies
24 - 25 October 2023 | Luxembourg
SIB course: Data Visualisation with R
2-3 November 2023 | Zurich, Switzerland
SIB course: Deep Learning for Life Sciences - fundamentals and applications
6 November 2023 | Online
SIB course: Data Analysis and Representation in Python
9 November 2023 | Online
SIB course: Optimizing Python Code for Better Performance
10 November 2023 | Online
SIB course: Single-cell Transcriptomics
13 - 15 November 2023 | Bern, Switzerland
de.NBI/ELIXIR-DE training: What shall we do with our agricultural research data? - 1001 reasons for a Data Management Plan
21 November 2023 | Online
SIB course: NGS - Quality Control, Alignment, Visualisation
22-24 November 2023 | Bern, Switzerland
BioSB course: Integrated modeling and optimization
11-15 December 2023 | Wageningen, the Netherlands
ELIXIR Events and Conferences
Metabolomics Joint Community and Industry F2F/hybrid meeting
16-18 October 2023 | Heidelberg, Germany
Single Cell Omics Community F2F/hybrid meeting
18-20 October 2023 | Hinxton, UK
BioHackathon Europe 2023
30 October - 3 November 2023 | Barcelona, Spain
3D BioInfo Community meeting
15-17 November 2023 | Hybrid - Prague, Czech Republic
Federated human data (FHD) Community meeting
16-17 November 2023 | Hybrid - Barcelona, Spain
ELIXIR hCNV Community F2F/hybrid meeting
30 November-1 December 2023 | Hybrid - Hinxton, UK
Job vacancies
All vacancies are also published on the ELIXIR website (also including those from industry). If you need our help communicating your new open positions, you can submit a job advertisement and it will automatically appear on our newsletters. Go to our vacancy page to submit a job
Senior research associate in Health Data Science and Human Genetics
University of Geneva
Research associate in Health Data Science and Human Genetics
University of Geneva
Bioinformatician / Research Software Engineer (m/f/d) "Databases for molecular pathogen data"
Leibniz Institute DSMZ
Data Steward
Luxembourg National Data Service
Senior Data Steward
Luxembourg National Data Service