This week's highlights
ELIXIR at the ESFRI 20th Anniversary Conference
Watch Janet Thornton speak at the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures conference about ELIXIR past and present. View
UNESCO call for best practices in open science
Deadline 15 July
UNESCO is launching a Global Call for Best Practices in Open Science. The resulting compendium of best practices will be made widely available and broadly disseminated.
Fill in the survey
Reminder: request for SIS-Containers use case proposals
Deadline this Wednesday 11 May
ELIXIR Communities and Focus Groups are encouraged to submit use case proposals benefitting from adopting and deploying containers.
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Recommended reads
The Galaxy platform for accessible, reproducible and collaborative biomedical analyses: 2022 update
An ELIXIR Galaxy Community paper
Galaxy is a mature, browser accessible workbench for scientific computing. The Galaxy Training Network supports free, self-directed, virtual training with >230 integrated tutorials. Project engagement metrics have continued to grow over the last 2 years, including source code contributions, publications, software packages wrapped as tools, registered users and their daily analysis jobs, and new independent specialized servers. Key Galaxy technical developments include an improved user interface for launching large-scale analyses with many files, interactive tools for exploratory data analysis, and a complete suite of machine learning tools. Important scientific developments enabled by Galaxy include Vertebrate Genome Project (VGP) assembly workflows and global SARS-CoV-2 collaborations.
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DisProt in 2022: improved quality and accessibility of protein intrinsic disorder annotation
An ELIXIR-CZ, GR & IT paper
The Database of Intrinsically Disordered Proteins is the major repository of manually curated annotations of intrinsically disordered proteins. We report recent updates, including a restyled web interface, a refactored ontology, improvements in the curation process and content growth of around 30%. Higher quality annotations is provided by a newly implemented reviewing process and training of curators. The increased curation capacity is fostered by the integration of DisProt with APICURON, a resource for the attribution and recognition of biocuration efforts. Better interoperability is provided through the Minimum Information About Disorder (MIADE) standard, collaborations with the Gene Ontology (GO) and Evidence and Conclusion Ontology (ECO) consortia and support of the ELIXIR infrastructure.
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Updates from Nodes
Heath Data Hub event - Data challenges for health
24 May | 14:15 - 17:00 CET | Virtual
Data challenges are data science competitions addressing specific medical problems using data analysis solutions. This event will introduce potential challengers to the six projects chosen for support by the Health Data Hub and the Public Investment Bank.
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New ELIXIR Belgium website
Check out the shiny new ELIXIR-BE website! Browse the site
Updates from Communities
Reminder - next VIB-VUB webinar on AI
Tomorrow 10 May | 17:00 CET
Tom Terwilliger, Los Alamos National Laboratory: AlphaFold changes everything (and nothing)
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Updates from Platforms
Training event: How to connect services to Life Science Login
17 May | 13:00 - 17:00 CET
What: Training on how to connect to LS Login
Who: Developers and service administrators implementing the LS Login authentication and authorization features, including new users from the ELIXIR community.
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Updates from other initiatives
Research Mobility Fellowships call
Deadline 13 June
The European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases has a Research Mobility Fellowship programme to support PhD students and postdocs undertaking specialist research training outside their countries of residence.
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Webinar series continuation - HPC/Exascale Centre of Excellence in Personalised Medicine
1, 9, 21 June | 15:00 CET
3 more webinars in the series have been announced:
- Computer-assisted functional precision medicine in cancer
- The PerMedCoE competency framework to guide training and career development
- HPC boosts mathematical models promises of personalised medicine
Upcoming ELIXIR events & webinars
ELIXIR Training Courses & Webinars
The ELIXIR TeSS portal has a variety of interesting events and courses organised by the ELIXIR Nodes. For more, visit TeSS portal
10th RepeatExplorer workshop on the application of NGS to repetitive DNA
24-26 May 2022 | esk Budjovice, Czech Republic
3rd hands-on computational enzyme design workshop
30 May - 1 June 2022 | Virtual
Intermediate Python
3 June 2022 | Bern, Switzerland
Functional exploration of genetic variants in cardiac diseases
14-15 June 2022 | Lyon, France | Apply by 1 May
Research Data Management and Data Management Plan
23-24 June 2022 | Lausanne, Switzerland
Summer school on genetic epidemiology
29 June - 2 July 2022 | Davos, Switzerland
ELIXIR Events and Conference
FAIRplus Innovation and SME forum 2022
17 May 2022 | Hybrid - Berlin, Germany
ELIXIR All Hands meeting 2022
7-10 June 2022 | Amsterdam, Netherlands
BioHackathon Europe
7-11 November 2022 | Paris, France
Job vacancies
All vacancies are also published on the ELIXIR website (also including those from industry). If you need our help communicating your new open positions, you can submit a job advertisement and it will automatically appear on our newsletters. Go to our vacancy page to submit a job
PhD Positions in Computational Research, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)
Data steward