Weekly Brief 9 July 2018

Hub updates

The registration for ELIXIR Innovation and SME Forum in Frankfurt is now open. The event will take place on 15-16 October in Frankfurt, Germany, and will focus on data-driven innovation in industrial biotechnology.

ELIXIR is holding a special session on sustainability of Life Science data resources at the ISMB 2018 Conference in Chicago, USA. Tuesday 10 July at 8.35 local time.

Updates from Platforms

Learn more abou the ELIXIR Competence Centre on the EOSC-Hub website. It will demonstrate the analysis of life-science data on EOSC compatible cloud resoources.
The "Software development best practices" technical group, part of the Tools Platform, is looking for a new group lead. We invite ELIXIR Nodes to nominate people for this exciting position. The post includes driving and planning activities to develop and support the adoption of best practices in software development. For more information contact Jen.harrow@ELIXIR-europe.org

ELIXIR-EXCELERATE, in collaboration with ELIXIR Italy, is pleased to announce a Train the Trainer (TtT) event on 27-28 September in Rome, Italy. Candidates from ELIXIR Nodes might apply for an ELIXIR Staff Exchange Programme Travel Grant when they fill their application form.

You can still register for ELIXIR-EXCELERATE Train the Trainer (TtT) workshop on 20-21 August in Antwerp, Belgium, organised by ELIXIR Belgium in collaboration with ELIXIR Netherlands and DTL. Candidates from ELIXIR Nodes may apply for an ELIXIR-EXCELERATE Staff Exchange Programme Travel Grant.

Materials of the SURFsara/ELIXIR Netherlands Course Data management and computational workflows that took place on 25 June in Amsterdam are now available on GitHub.

Updates from Nodes

Christine Durinx has been appointed SIB Joint Executive Director together with Ron Appel. Read an inteview with Christine on the SIB website about what it means for her and about her vision for the Institute.

Registrations is open for the SIB course on Advanced Statistics: Statistical Modeling, in Lausanne, Switzerland, on 20-23 August 2018.

Another SIB course on First Steps with UNIX in Life Sciences will take place on 27 September, also in Lausanne. Registrations is open!

Registration is now open for the ELIXIR Netherlands Galaxy Course Bioinformatics for Translational Medicine using Galaxy: see it, do it, teach it!, 17-19 October 2018 in Amsterdam.

Job board

The Swedish ELIXIR Node is hiring two bioinformatics experts stationed at Lund University.

The Proteomics Team at EMBL-EBI is looking for software developer to work on the ELIXIR BioContainers Implementation study.

Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC, part of ELIXIR Spain) is looking for Research software engineer to support BSC's ELIXIR related activities, particularly the back-end development of OpenEBench.

Masaryk University (part of ELIXIR Czech Republic) is looking for Scientific Software Architect to join the CERIT-SC team.

ELIXIR Switzerland is looking for post-doc to work on life science semantic data integration. The post holder will be part of the CALIPHO group, affiliated to the University of Geneva.

ELIXIR Sweden is looking for one or two agile system developers to join the SciLifeLab team at the Uppsala University.

Upcoming events

The ELIXIR TeSS portal has a variety of interesting events and courses organised by the ELIXIR Nodes.

ELIXIR events

6-10 July 2018, Chicago, USA
ISMB 2018 (including ELIXIR Session on 10 July)

8-12 September | Athens, Greece
ECCB 2018 (including ELIXIR Application Track)

15-16 October 2018 | Frankfurt, Germany
ELIXIR Innovation and SME Forum on Industrial Biotechnology

12-13 November 2018 | Ljubljana, Slovenia
ELIXIR Board meeting

12-16 November 2018 | Paris, France
ELIXIR Biohackathon