We celebrate the new collaboration with the Australian BioCommons
Tomorrow, as part of the All Hands Meeting, ELIXIR will be launching a three-year collaboration strategy with the Australian BioCommons research infrastructure. Join the start of the Demonstrators session on Tuesday to hear directly from the two Directors, Andrew Lonie and Niklas Blomberg.
Read today's news release for more information
A successful B1MG kick-off meeting
Last week, we announced the beginning of a new project Beyond One Million Genomes and we hosted a virtual kick-off meeting on Thursday with over 160 attendees. The meeting was a success to plan all activities for the next six months and align them to the roadmap of the 1+MG initiative.
Don't forget you can still sign up for the B1MG quarterly newsletter. Register here
Have your say on ELIXIR Industry and Impact portfolios
We are collecting feedback to update the ELIXIR industry and impact portfolios so that activities are best suited to the collective needs and circumstances. Please, fill in a very short survey if you wish to influence the coordination of these.
Last update from the virtual ECCB
As announced last week, the ECCB is going virtual this year, and we are excited about ELIXIR's dedicated track. We re planning an ELIXIR plenary session and we want your participation.
If you are interested in presenting a 15-minutes talk at the ELIXIR track, please submit a short abstract (max 200 words) by 22nd June 9 am CEST through Easychair.
COVID-19 Updates
We have created an ELIXIR COVID-19 webpage to list all ELIXIR services that support researchers working on SARS-CoV-2. The site will be updated periodically to display new resources.
You can track our advance on compiling COVID-19 projects by accessing our shared document that includes all services and initiatives from the Nodes.
This is an internal document. Please, do not share outside ELIXIR.
Please, use this to discuss and exchange ideas on SARS-CoV-2 research initiatives, consider collaboration opportunities across ELIXIR Nodes and share results of your work on COVID-19 with other ELIXIR members.
If you haven't joined the workspace yet, don't forget to connect with us on Slack or email Katharina Lauer to be part of the conversation
Tip of the Week
Have you read the General Guidelines for the Implementation of ELIXIR Commissioned Services? They set out the rules on how to distribute funding and define guidelines for the implementation of the projects.
Updates from Nodes
ELIXIR CZ lunches new tool, Enzyme Miner 1.0
Enzyme Miner is a web server for automated screening and annotation of diverse putative members of enzyme families and facilitates the selection of promising targets for experiments. The server mines sequences that are likely to show the desired catalytic activity.
Read here the related Oxford Academic paper
Upcoming ELIXIR events & webinars
ELIXIR Training Courses & Webinars
The ELIXIR TeSS portal has a variety of interesting events and courses organised by the ELIXIR Nodes.
Applying V-pipe to SARS-Coronavirus-2 data
22 June 2020 | Online
Introduction to Data Management
23 June 2020 | 10 am CEST
EBIF Series | Large scale cloud computing in the life sciences
23 June 2020 | 4 pm CEST
This is our last, but not least, webinar as part of the ELIXIR Bioinformatics Industry Forum Series. We will show some real-life use cases, discuss successes and bottlenecks, and explore what the future holds for cloud computing in the life sciences. With Google, EMBL-EBI and ETH Zurich/ BioMedIT
Python for downstream data analysis
2122 September 2020 | Online course
ReproHack A hackaton on reproducible data analysis
20 October 2020 | Online
ELIXIR Events and Conferences
19th European Conference on Computational Biology
September 2020 | Online
ELIXIR BioHakacthon Europe
913 November 2020 | Barcelona, Spain Job vacancies
Job vacancies
All vacancies are also published on the ELIXIR website vacancies section (also including vacancies from industry). Submit vacancies from your Node or industry partners.
Data Management Usability Officer
Postdoctoral fellow in bioinformatics at the Biomedical Genomics Lab
Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona) - part of ELIXIR-ES
Project Support Administrator
Computer Engineer position - EuCanImage project
University of Barcelona (UB)
Senior Software Engineer
CSC - IT Center for Science
Updates from other initatives
We recommend signing up your event for the European Biotech Week
The European Biotech Week is a celebration of biotechnology through over 100 events all across Europe. Get in touch, participate or organise your own event to show your community the exciting science of biotechnology