Weekly Brief 8 January 2018

Hub updates

All the very best in 2018!

Nicola Kay is back from maternity leave and will take up her position of ELIXIR Scientific Administrator until the end of her contract in March 2018. Sheena Lee left the ELIXIR Hub in December 2017.

We are organising parallel flash talk sessions as part of the ELIXIR All Hands meeting 2018. Please help us to choose the flash talk themes by voting for themes from our list or proposing a new one.

Hannah Hurst is starting today as Project Manager in the ELIXIR Hub. She will work in the Project Management Unit, supporting the management of the EXCELERATE and CORBEL projects. You can contact her at: hannah.hurst@elixir-europe.org

The last webinar in 2017 took place on 20 December. Paul Kersey presented the development of a distributed model for Ensembl. The recording and slides are now available on the ELIXIR website.

The next ELIXIR Webinar will take place on 17 January 2018 at 15.00 CET and will present visualisation of rare disease alignment files stored in the European Genome-phenome Archive.

Updates from Platforms

Applications are being taken by the Data Platform for the second round of Core Data Resource selection - the deadline for submission is 23:59 GMT on 17 January. A webinar about the process took place on 6 December 2017- slides are available on the webinar page.

The ELIXIR Galaxy community kickoff meeting will take place on 14-16 March 2018 in Freiburg, Germany. It will be collocated with a Galaxy User Conference on 15-16 March 2018. Registration is now open!

Registration closes today for the ELIXIR Compute Platform face to face meeting on January 18-19 in Heidelberg. The agenda and registration.

There are several training courses organised by ELIXIR Nodes:

Updates from Nodes

EMBL-EBI is organising a Cancer Genomics training course on 18-21 June 2018 in Hinxton, UK. The registration is now open!

VIB (part of ELIXIR Belgium) is organising a conference Applied Bioinformatics in Life Sciences (2nd edition) on 8-9 March 2018 in Leuven, Belgium. The Call for Abstract is open until 11 January, the registration until 22 February.

Job board

Two new posts are now open at the ELIXIR Hub in Hinxton: ELIXIR External Relations Officer and ELIXIR Industry Officer. The External Relations Officer will support ELIXIRs positioning with national and European funders and policy-makers; the Industry Officer with develop and implement ELIXIR Industry strategy, and is a replacement for current post-holder Pablo Roman, who will move to pastures new in 2018.

The Swedish ELIXIR Node is hiring Systems Developers with operational responsibility (DevOps) to Science for Life Laboratory (SciLifeLab), Uppsala, Sweden.

Oxford e-Research Centre (part of ELIXIR UK) is recruiting two Research Software & Knowledge Engineers to work in Susanna A Sansone's team on infrastructure projects to deliver FAIR data and digital assets.

Upcoming events

The ELIXIR TeSS portal has a variety of interesting events and courses organised by the ELIXIR Nodes.

ELIXIR events

17 January 2018 | Online
ELIXIR Webinar: Visualisation of Rare Disease Genomic Data

23-24 January 2018 | Cambridge, UK
ELIXIR Innovation and SME Forum: Enabling Discoverability in Bio-Data Innovation

1-2 February 2017 | Hinxton, Cambridgeshire, UK
ELIXIR Scientific Advisory Board meeting

24-25 April 2018 | Tel Aviv
ELIXIR Board meeting

4-7 June 2018 | Berlin, Germany
ELIXIR All Hands meeting

12-13 November 2018 | Ljubljana, Slovenia
ELIXIR Board meeting