Hub updates
ELIXIR was pleased to add our declaration of support to the recently launched "Alliance for Biodiversity Knowledge, a global initiative to align efforts to deliver current, accurate and comprehensive data, information and knowledge on the world's biodiversity. If you would like to discuss ELIXIRs strategy further regarding Biodiversity, please contact Jerry Lanfear at the Hub.
Updates from Platforms
FAIRsharing as a community approach to standards, repositories and policies, read the new paper presenting FAIRsharing in Nature Biotechnology.
The Data and Interoperability and Tools Platform Coordinators will be attending Biocuration 2019 from 7-10 April, presenting posters and talks as well as participating in workshops. If you are attending please take the opportunity to come and drop by the ELIXIR booth.
Registrations are open for ELIXIR Train the Trainer course taking place on 8-10 May in Basel, Switzerland, organized by ELIXIR Switzerland in collaboration with ELIXIR-Sweden.
Registration is now open for the ELIXIR EXCELERATE WP10 course Single RNA-seq data analysis with R which takes place at CSC in Espoo (Helsinki), Finland on 27-29 May 2019. The application deadline is 16 April 2019, the course is free of charge.
Another ELIXIR-EXCELERATE Train the Trainer (TtT) event is organised in collaboration with ELIXIR Italy on 30-31 May in Rome. Candidates from ELIXIR Modes may apply for an ELIXIR Staff Exchange Programme Travel Grant when they fill their application form.
Updates from Nodes
Registrations are still open for the Docker and Reproducibility Course, organised by ELIXIR Italy in Turin, on 13-14 June 2019. During the workshop, the participants will learn the core concepts of Docker and how to easily embed bioinformatic pipelines/workflows into a docker container.
ELIXIR Belgium is organizing a Data Carpentry workshop: Introduction to Reproducible Genomics on 13-14 May 2016 in Ghent. This is a Data Carpentry Workshop, with a special focus on sequence handling for variant calling using the cloud resources.
Another workshop by ELIXIR Belgium is taking place on 15 May in Ghent. Titled Best practices in research software, the course is aimed at graduate students and researchers, who have or will have in the near future code to share or want to collaborate with open source software.
Registrations are open for two HPC workshops in Utrecht Netherlands, organised by ELIXIR Netherlands and SURFsara: Cluster Computing for Life Sciences on 23-24 April 2019 and Deep Learning for Life Sciences on 9 May 2019.
ELIXIR France and GREEK COST Action organise a 3-days training session / hackathon in Marseille on 23-24 April 2019. It will focus on interoperable workflows invoking remote bioinformatics resources (knowledge bases, databases, analysis tools) to gather information about regulatory networks and enable an integrative analysis of gene regulation processes.
ELIXIR Sweden is organising course Introduction to Genome Annotation on 15-17 May in Uppsala, Sweden. The focus of the course will be on non-model eukaryote organisms, and in particular the structural annotation of protein coding genes. We will use de novo gene finders, protein alignments and RNA-seq data to infer the structure of genes, and show how to combine these different lines of evidence to get the most stable and informative annotation. Deadline for registration is today!
Registrations are open for the course, Summer School - Bioinformatics for Biologists: An introduction to Data Exploration, Statistics and Reproducibility, 1-5 July 2019, Cambridge, UK. The course will focus on solutions around handling biological data and will cover introductory lessons in data manipulation and visualisation in R, statistical analyses, and reproducibility. No prior R experience or previous knowledge of programming/coding is required. Register here.
Job board
All vacancies are also published on the ELIXIR website vacancies section (also including vacancies from industry). Submit vacancies from your Node or industry partners.
The CNAG-CRG is looking for a Front-end developer to work on the RD-Connect Genome Phenome Analysis Platform as part of the European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases.
The second round of application for PhD fellowships as part of Ireland's new SFI Centre for Research Training in Genomics Data Science is now open (closing date 19 April).
To support the IMI FAIRplus project, ELIXIR Luxembourg is looking for a postdoctoral researcher in the field of clinical and translational medicine informatics.
The Instituto Gulbenkian de Cincia (part of ELIXIR Portugal) is welcoming applications for a Research Fellowship within the project " Infraestrutura Portuguesa de Dados Biolgicos.
Upcoming events
The ELIXIR TeSS portal has a variety of interesting events and courses organised by the ELIXIR Nodes.
ELIXIR events
ELIXIR Board meeting
17-20 June 2019 | Lisbon, Portugal
ELIXIR All Hands meeting