Hub updates
The ELIXIR Bioinformatics Supplier Forum is taking place today in London. You can follow on twitter via #ELIXIR4Innovation.
The complete programme of the ELIXIR All Hands is now available online. Don't forget to submit your poster, the deadline is 15 May.
IBISBA (IBISBA Industrial Biotechnology Innovation and Synthetic Biology Accelerator) invites researchers to apply for access to IBISBA's research facilities via the 2nd IBISBA 1.0 call for research projects.
The next ELIXIR webinar will take place on 15 May 2019 at 15.00 CEST and will present the Data validation Implementation study.
Updates from Platforms
The training platform are leading an implementation study to map the landscape of biocuration across ELIXIR. We have a second workshop scheduled during the All hands meeting in Lisbon, to review results to date and gain additional insights and information to take the study further. We would like to see more people join us at the workshop, especially those who are involved in tools development, supervision and training of curators - curators still of course welcome!
The publication "Scalable data analysis in proteomics and metabolomics using BioContainers and workflows engines was submitted to BioRxiv.
A successful Tools and training workshop for the Galaxy Community took place in in Roscoff last week.
Updates from Communities
The ELIXIR::GA4GH Strategic Partnership was launched this week at the GA4GH Connect meeting in Hinxton. Serena Scollen (ELIXIR::GA4GH Strategic Partnership Champion) presented the new form of collaboration at both the opening plenary session of the meeting, at the GA4GH Steering Committee.
The presentations detailed ELIXIR's contribution to all of the approved GA4GH standards and our coordinated work across all 8 of the GA4GH Workstreams. This new form of collaboration enables ELIXIR to continue influencing the standards being generated, and also provides a platform for the on-boarding of ELIXIR Nodes not yet involved with GA4GH.
A press release was jointly published by ELIXIR and GA4GH and an accompanying video graphic was published on social media.
The ELIXIR Plant Science Community is pleased to announce a new paper in Bioinformatics presenting the Breeding API, a major interoperability resource for plant data: BrAPI - an Application Programming Interface for Plant Breeding Applications
Updates from Nodes
A new regulation on the secondary use of health and social data in Finland is coming into force. Its purpose is to facilitate the effective and safe processing and access to the personal social and health data for steering, supervision, research, statistics and development in the health and social sector. A second objective is to guarantee an individuals legitimate expectations as well as their rights and freedoms when processing personal data.
Registrations are open for the ELIXIR Spain Software Carpentry workshop "R for Reproducible Scientific Analysis", June 6-7, at the Spanish National Cancer Research Centre (CNIO) in Madrid, Spain. The course will address core concepts on Unix, Git and Data Analysis and Visualization in R. No experience required or expected!
Applications open for ELIXIR Sweden (NBIS) course in Omics Integration and Systems Biology on 9-12 September, Stockholm, Sweden.
Job board
All vacancies are also published on the ELIXIR website vacancies section (also including vacancies from industry). Submit vacancies from your Node or industry partners.
The FAIRsharing team at the University of Oxford is looking for Research Software Engineer - Front End Developer.
ELIXIR Luxembourg is looking for Research Associate in the field of clinical and translational medicine informatics.
Upcoming events
The ELIXIR TeSS portal has a variety of interesting events and courses organised by the ELIXIR Nodes.
In affiliation with The Carpentries, the Institute is organising the first European CarpentryConnect event in Manchester. It will be hosted at The Studio Manchester from 25-26 June and in the Kilburn Building at the School of Computer Science (University of Manchester) on 27 June. Registration is now open.
ELIXIR events
ELIXIR Bioinformatics Suppliers Forum
17-20 June 2019 | Lisbon, Portugal
ELIXIR All Hands meeting