This week's highlights
Deadlines are fast approaching for these ELIXIR events
ELIXIR Innovation and SME forum at [BC]2
Registration closes today!
It's your last chance to register and...
Listen to stimulating keynote talks from Serena Scollen (B1MG), Bogi Eliasen (Faroe Genome Project), and Nicolas Loeillot (Groupe Mutuel)
Hear from SMEs and companies (e.g. Gene Predictis, Health ECCO, IQVIA) about their services and products along the learning ecosystem of health.
And network with other innovative minds
Event details and registration
BioHackathon Europe registration closes next week
8-12 November 2021 | Hybrid, Barcelona
Registration deadline 15 September
Been indecisive about whether to attend this year's BioHackathon Europe? It's crunch time! Check out the projects and register before next Wednesday!
Event details and registration
Recommended reads of the week
Uncovering of cytochrome P450 anatomy by SecStrAnnotator
An ELIXIR Czech Republic Nature Scientific Reports paper
Protein structural families are groups of homologous proteins defined by the organization of secondary structure elements (SSEs). We developed a workflow for the analysis of the secondary structure anatomy of a protein family. We applied this analysis to the model family of cytochromes P450 (CYPs)a family of important biotransformation enzymes with a community-wide used SSE annotation. Our workflow for SSE annotation for CYP and other families can be freely used
Progressive Phosphorylation Modulates the Self-Association of a Variably Modified Histone H3 Peptide
An ELIXIR Greece paper
Protein phosphorylation is a key regulatory mechanism in eukaryotic cells. In the intrinsically disordered histone tails, phosphorylation is often a part of combinatorial post-translational modifications and an integral part of the histone code that regulates gene expression. Here, we study the association between two histone H3 tail peptides modified to different degrees, using fully atomistic molecular dynamics simulations.
Updates from Communities
Join the next 3D-Bioinfo Community webinar!
21 September 2021 | 15:00 CEST, virtual
Join us at the second in this webinar series from the 3D-Bioinfo Community: "Open resources for sharing, integrating and benchmarking software tools for modelling the Interactome in 3D".With speakers from ELIXIR Belgium, ELIXIR Israel and USA.
Find out more and register
Join the leadership of the new ELIXIR Food and Nutrition Community
Deadline for applications 20 September 2021
The ELIXIR Food and Nutrition Community is picking up its work. It is looking for two co-leads to join Jildau Bouwmann to lead this Community. Prospective candidates should submit a short statement of their background and what they believe they will bring to the role to Katharina Heil
Outcomes of the workshop 'SARS-CoV-2 Data Analysis and Monitoring with Galaxy'
Galaxy Europe hosted another successful workshop, this time how to work with COVID-19 data with a focus on monitoring and variants. Read all about it, and find the recording in their news release.
Read more
Emerging ELIXIR Community: Single-Cell Omics Workshop
16 September 2021 | 10:00-13:00 CEST, virtual
This workshop aims to consolidate key themes and challenges in the Single Cell Omics field, which the emerging ELIXIR Community will tackle, and contribute to the Community white paper.
Everyone with an interest in the field of Single-Cell Omics is welcome to join the workshop, but please note this event is restricted to ELIXIR members and invited guests.
Find out more and register
Updates from Nodes
Read the IFB's 2019-2020 Activity Report
This report summarises the objectives, achievements, and ongoing projects at IFB at national and international levels in the context of the European infrastructure ELIXIR.
It includes the activities of our platforms and teams in all the application domains of bioinformatics, with a particular focus on health.
Read the report
Programme for de.NBI Microbial community analysis summer school is out now!
4-8 October 2021 | Virtual
This is an in-depth overview to microbial community analysis. Spaces are limited to 20 participants and the deadline is 24 September 2021.
View the programme
Join SWAT4HCLS 2022
10-13 January 2022 | Leiden, NL and virtual
SWAT4HCLS (Semantic Web Applications and Tools for Healthcare and Life Sciences) is a venue for presenting and discussing novel ideas, experiences and issues in the application of semantic and W3C Web technologies in the biomedical and clinical domains.
Deadline for full paper submission: 17 September
Learn more and register
Attend the virtual meeting of the DTL Data Stewards Interest Group
28 September 2021 | 13:15-15:00 CEST, virtual
The Group aims to establish a community hub for data stewardship that enables informal and inclusive knowledge and experience exchange.
Learn more about the Group
Register for the upcoming meeting
Join the Group Slack Workspace
Ready for BioData Management?
12-13 October 2021 | 10:00-17:00 CEST, virtual
ELIXIR Portugal are hosting a double-bill of data management courses, open to everyone. The first day's course introduction to data management plans, followed by Advanced data management plans. All are welcome.
Find out more
Updates from Focus Groups
Machine learning focus group call for short papers for CIBB 2021
The ELIXIR Machine Learning Focus Group are organising a special session, Towards standardising machine learning in life sciences at the 17th Computational Intelligence Methods for Bioinformatics and Biostatistics conference (CIBB 2021).
The objective of the session will be to discuss key challenges, opportunities and achievements for standards on machine learning, with a view towards life sciences, and we welcome short papers (4-6 pages) to be presented in the session.
Find out more
Updates from other initiatives
Public consultation on the FAIRsFAIR teaching and training handbook for Higher Education Institutions
Deadline for comments 12 September
Thank you to everyone who has already submitted comments and suggestions. If you'd like to help shape this document then please add any comments by 12 September.
Read the document
Upcoming ELIXIR events & webinars
ELIXIR Training Courses & Webinars
The ELIXIR TeSS portal has a variety of interesting events and courses organised by the ELIXIR Nodes. For more, visit TeSS portal
Emerging ELIXIR Community Single-cell omics workshop
16 September 2021 | 10:00 - 13:00 CEST
3D-Bioinfo Community Webinar: Open resources for sharing, integrating and benchmarking software tools for modelling the Interactive in 3D
21 September 2021 | 15:00 CEST
ELIXIR Metabolomics Community: Fluxomics Training School
4-8 October 2021 | 09:00-17:00 CET | Virtual
de.NBI microbial community analysis summer school
4 - 8 October 2021 | Virtual talks: Ready for Data Management?
12 & 13 October 2021 | 10:00-17:00 CET | Virtual
ELIXIR Events and Conferences
Innovation and SME Forum | Building the learning ecosystem of health: from data tracking to preventive medicine
13 September 2021 | At the [BC]2 Conference, Basel, Switzerland
(virtual participation also available)
BioHackathon Europe 2021
8-12 November 2021 | Hybrid Barcelona, Spain
Job vacancies
All vacancies are also published on the ELIXIR website (also including those from industry). If you need our help communicating your new open positions, you can submit a job advertisement and it will automatically appear on our newsletters. Go to our vacancy page to submit a job
Gestionnaire de projets de bioinformatique pour la sant
Institut Franais de Bioinformatique / ELIXIR-FR
DevOps for COVID-19 genomic monitoring
Institut Franais de Bioinformatique / ELIXIR-FR
System Developer
Data Stewardship Community Manager
University of Bradford
Data Steward / Research and Development specialist
ELIXIR-Luxembourg / Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine