Weekly Brief 6 June 2016

Hub updates

Following a consultation among Heads of Node, Training and Technical coordinators and Communications experts, the ELIXIR Communications strategy has been now released.

Node updates

Report and slides from DTL's (ELIXIR Netherlands) focus meeting on FAIR developments are now available online.

Students and postdocs can now apply for a ECCB2016 Travel Fellowship. The application deadline is 7 July 2016. ELIXIR Belgium appoints Kim De Ruyck as Project Coordinator. Kim can be reached at: kim.deruyck@psb.vib-ugent.be

Updates from platforms

Registration and call for posters are now open for the conference The CHARME of standardisation in life sciences, 21-22 June 2016 in Warsaw, Poland.

Job board

The ELIXIR Hub is seeking a Grant Support Officer to support pre- and post-award administrative aspects of ELIXIR grants.
The Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine (LCSB) is seeking a system administrator for their prospective ELIXIR Node.
The Dutch Techcentre for Life Science (DTL, ELIXIR Netherlands) is seeking two Software Engineers - Linked Data.

Upcoming events

ELIXIR Technical events

8 June | Helsinki, Finland
ELIXIR Compute platform face-to-face meeting

13-15 June | Espoo, Finland
ELIXIR-EXCELERATE workshop on variant analysis

30 June - 1 July 2016 | Hinxton, UK
ELIXIR-GA4GH Beacon Security Workshop

Meetings and Conferences organised by ELIXIR Nodes

25-26 August 2016 | Odense, Denmark.
Annual Danish Bioinformatics Conference.

ELIXIR related Workshops and Courses organised by ELIXIR Nodes

16-17 June | Espoo, Finland
Variant analysis with GATK

28-29 June 2106, Bern, Switzerland
First steps with R in Life Sciences