ELIXIR 2019 Annual Report
ELIXIR has published its Annual Report for 2019 showcasing the major achievements in the last year and highlighting the effort of over 700 experts from 22 ELIXIR Nodes. The report presents ELIXIR services across ELIXIR Nodes and reports on the progress made towards the Strategic Objectives of the 20192023 Scientific Programme.
A link off to the online report
Go to the news release
ELIXIR in the OmicsXchange Podcast
Powered by the GA4GH
Katharina Lauer, our Industry Expert and Virologist, participated last week on the OmicsExchange Podcast to present ELIXIR's response to the pandemic.
You can now listen to Episode 7 dedicated to ELIXIR.
A link off to the Podcast Station
ELIXIR in the news
Featured in Science Business
The article features an interview with Niklas Blomberg (ELIXIR Director) and Guy Cochrane (Team Leader EMBL-EBI) to present Europe's cooperative efforts and the role of ELIXIR against the pandemic.
Go to the news item in Science Business
Tip of the week
Did you know you can publish free of charge in the ELIXIR F1000 Research Gateway as an ELIXIR Member?
Go to the internal guidelines to learn how it works
Updates from Nodes
ELIXIR CZ Summer School of Single Cell
29 September 2020 | Pilsen, Czech Republic
This ELIXIR CZ co-organised course will cover all steps of sample preparation and data analysis. Part of the ELIXIR Staff exchange programme.
A link off to the Summer School page
IFB invites you to join their new newsletter
The Institut Franais de Bioinformatique is pleased to inaugurate the IFB Newsletter. It will provide a regular update on national and international activities, and bioinformatics research of the IFB
A link off to subscribe to the Newsletter
ELIXIR Italy wants your expertise
ELIXIR Italy wants to know if any ELIXIR Node is working on Quality Management System applied to -omics and bioinformatic analysis.
A link off to an article in a Nature journal for more details
If you are working or are interested in this area, please reach out to Francesca De Leo
Call open for participation in CANTEMIST
Barcelona Supercomputing Centre (BSC) text mining unit has open a call for participation in CANTEMIST, a shared task in the text mining and natural language processing disciplines applied to oncology
Go to the CANTEMIST website for more information
Updates from Platforms
Webinar | Discussing the Software Management Plan template
9 July 2020 | 3 pm CEST
The Tools Platform is organising a webinar to present and gather feedback on their Software Management Plan template used across different ELIXIR projects. With Mateusz Kuzak, from The Netherlands eScience Centre, and Steve Crouch, from the Software Sustainability Institute.
This is an ELIXIR webinar that requires registration
A link off to the registration page
Application open for training funding
A Node to Node exchange
We are to grant 2000 per course for 13 more applications. Do not miss the chance to connect with other Nodes, create new or stronger networks for participants and teachers, and get the training you need. For any questions or doubts, reach out to Jessica Lindvall (ELIXIR-SE) jessica.lindvall@nbis.se
A link off to apply for the training grant
Updates from Communities
Confirmatory call for the new co-leads of the Intrinsically Disordered Proteins Community
8 July 2020 | 11 am CEST
As the two current leads have decided to stand down, the process to select new co-leads is currently underway we have received two nominations to take on the role. Since an election is not required, next week we will hold a confirmatory vote with a short call featuring presentations from the two nominees.
A link off to join the call
To become eligible to vote, please join the Community mailing list via the intranet.
Go to the Community registration page
3D-BioInfo Annual Meeting goes virtual
2426 November 2020 | Now Online
The 3D-BioInfo Community gives advance notice that it will hold its Annual Meeting as a virtual conference. It will offer sessions on the five major Community activities: protein structural and functional annotations, protein structure and complex prediction, protein-ligand interactions, nucleic acids and protein engineering.
Further details will be made available shortly on the 3D-BioInfo webpage
A link off to the 3D-BioInfo Community page
Updates from other initiatives
EOSC-Life Workshop Informal Exchange of Experiences: Transferring face-to-face courses to a remote delivery
7 July 2020 | 10 am5 pm CEST
Join this one-day, hands-on workshop aimed at members of the EOSC-Life consortium to address the challenges of moving face-to-face training courses to an online setup.
Go to the registration page
Open Call | EOSC Skills and Training Working Group
The working group is looking for a team of experts to frame EOSC digital skills into the wider European agenda, and provide recommendations on how to include EOSC in national skills policies.
The call closes at 12 pm CEST on July 15 2020
A link off for more information
RDA COVID-19 Recommendations and Guidelines on Data Sharing
Last week, RDA published the final version of the Recommendations and Guidelines on Data Sharing. It covered four research areas clinical data, omics practices, epidemiology and social sciences complemented by overarching areas focusing on legal and ethical considerations, research software, community participation and indigenous data.
Go to the RDA page for more information
Upcoming ELIXIR events & webinars
ELIXIR Training Courses & Webinars
The ELIXIR TeSS portal has a variety of interesting events and courses organised by the ELIXIR Nodes. A link off to the TeSS portal
Software Carpentry Workshop R for Reproducible Scientific Analysis
14-17 July 2020 | Online
ELIXIR CZ Summer School of Single Cell
29 September 2020 | Pilsen, Czech Republic
International Summer School on Rare Disease Registries and FAIRification of Data (EJP-RD Course)
28 September2 October 2020 | Online
ELIXIR Events and Conferences
19th European Conference on Computational Biology
31 August8 September 2020 | Online
Registration for the virtual ECCB2020 is now open!
EuroScience Open Forum
26 September 2020 | Trieste, Italy and Online
ELIXIR will present 'Open Data InfrastructureA Driver for Innovation Ecosystem' during the Science to business session (Track: Innovation Ecosystems).
ELIXIR BioHakacthon Europe
913 November 2020 | Barcelona, Spain
Registration is now open!
Job vacancies
All vacancies are also published on the ELIXIR website (also including those from industry). If you need our help communicating your new open positions, you can submit a job advertisement and it will automatically appear on our newsletters. Go to our vacancy page to submit a job
Data Management Usability Officer
Call for postdoctoral researchers within the STARS COFUND
Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS) - part of ELIXIR-ES
Postdoctoral researcher in ML applied to simulations in biomedicine at the Computational Biology Group
Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS)
Junior Research Engineer for simulations in biomedicine at the Computational Biology Group
Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS)
Postdoc computational modeling kidney transport
Maastricht University