Weekly Brief 5 February 2018

Hub updates

ELIXIR Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) met last week in Hinxton, UK. On the agenda was also the first draft of the ELIXIR Scientific Programme 2019-2023, which is available online.

Read the report from the latest ELIXIR Innovation and SME Forum event in Cambridge on 23-24 January 2018.

The ELIXIR Webinar this week on Wednesday at 15.00 CET will present the new EU General Data Protection Regulation and its implication for sharing and exchange of research data.

Pablo Roman recently moved on from ELIXIR Industry Officer to a new role in Spain. We thank Pablo for his major contributions to ELIXIRs industry engagement during his time with us. We are currently recruiting for a new Industry Officer to replace Pablo. In the meantime, contact andrew.smith@elixir-europe.org for any industry-related questions you may have.

We are launching Node Communications Toolkit - a series of guidelines to support Communications in ELIXIR Nodes. Your feedback is most welcome, send it to premysl.velek@elixir-europe.org.

Updates from Platforms

The Compute Platform met in Heidelberg o 18-19 January 2018. The minutes and presentations are available online.

In 2018 the Compute Platform will focus on a technical demonstrator for the plants community (Q4), while working also with the other Use Cases (eg. cloud for trainers and marine metagenomics). The Platform leadership focuses on the Platform workplan for the scientific programme 2019-23.

GBI/ELIXIR/EuBI/NEUBIAS are jointly organizing a hackaton on image analysis training material re-usability. It will bring together training providers from the imaging community and ELIXIR contributors to create a curated collection of training materials on data management and analysis and facilitate their Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability and Re-usability. 14-15 May 2018, Cambridge, UK.

The new Training Impact Coordinator, Kim Gurwitz, has joined the University of Cambridge to continue the work on Training Impact assessment, funded by ELIXIR-EXCELERATE. Kim previously worked as the Training and Communication Officer of H3ABioNet, shaping the development of sustainable bioinformatics capacity in Africa.

CarpentryCon 2018 will take place on 30 May - 1 June 2018 in Dublin, Ireland. It is the key community-building and networking event for The Carpentries. The key theme of the conference is "Building Locally, Connecting Globally". Registration for CarpentryCon is now open!

The Tools Platform will meet for a face-to-face meeting on 8-9 February in Barcelona. More information is available online.

Updates from Nodes

SIB (ELIXIR Switzerland) is organizing a course on Protein sequence databases and sequence annotation on 20 March, 2018 in Lausanne.

ELIXIR Hungary organised the first bioinformatic workshop on data analysis and data visualisation at the University of Debrecen, Hungary. With more than 100 attendees from all major university centers of Hungary the course received very positive feedback. These courses are planned to be organized regularly and will be announced through the ELIXIR network.

Job board

The Faculty of Biology and Chemistry at Justus Liebig University Gieen (part of de.NBI ELIXIR Germany) invites applications for a W1 Professorship (with W2 tenure track) for Algorithmic Bioinformatics. Application is open until 28 February 2018.

ELIXIR Norway is looking for Service Scientist (Researcher) at the Computational Biology Unit, Department of Informatics, University of Bergen.

ELIXIR Hub is looking for Administrative Officer to support the operation of ELIXIRs governance structures and provide support to ELIXIR's internal communications. The deadline to apply is 18 February 2018.

ELIXIR Sweden has several openinigs for bioinformaticians at SciLifeLab in Stockholm. Deadline to apply is 13 February 2018.

Upcoming events

The ELIXIR TeSS portal has a variety of interesting events and courses organised by the ELIXIR Nodes.

ELIXIR events

7 February 2018 | Online

ELIXIR Webinar: Requirements in data protection law and the upcoming General Data Protection Regulation implementation