Weekly Brief, 30 September 2019

Hub updates

The registration deadline is fast approaching for our next Innovation and SME Forum "Distributed data analysis - the (health) data train" to be held 10 - 11 October in Utrecht, Netherlands. Keynote speakers from The Hyve, Bayer and Maastricht University. The event is free, and ELIXIR members are eligible for the travel grant scheme. A great opportunity to network with experts in the healthcare industry and academia. Please share with your colleagues.

Funding opportunity: The deadline for applying for the ELIXIR Staff Exchange programme is fast approaching with a closing date of 30 October! Exchanges of staff between nodes can be up to 6 months, and up to 15,000 is available per project.

Updates from Platforms

ELIXIR TeSS was presented the Open Science Fair in Porto (16-18 September) in the workshop Making EOSC Training more FAIR. The ELIXIR approach was show-cased as a possible way forward for the EOSC training portal.

Celia van Gelder will be presenting Training and capacity building in FAIR Data Stewardship in ELIXIR at the upcoming Innovation and SME Forum: Distributed data analysis - the (health) data train.

Registration is open for the international Workflow4metabolomics course held in Brussels, Belgium 3-7 February 2019. Organised collaboratively by the French Institute of Bioinformatics (IFB, Elixir-FR), the Infrastructure for Metabolomics and Fluxomics (MetaboHUB) and the Universit libre de Bruxelles.

Updates from Nodes

ELIXIR UK have announced a Memorandum of Understanding between FAIRsharing, an ELIXIR UK resource, and the Center for Open Science (COS) to increase the number of journal and research funder policies that effectively incentivise data sharing. This joint project will, among other things, showcase on FAIRsharing which journal policies have adopted the Transparency and Openness Promotion (TOP) Guidelines.

deNBI have appointed a new Chairperson to their SAB. Reinhard is the head of ELIXIR Luxembourg, and we look forward to hearing about their future collaborations.

Job board

All vacancies are also published on the ELIXIR website vacancies section(also including vacancies from industry). Submit vacancies from your Node or industry partners.

12 System Developers with Operational Responsibility

(Bio-)informatician back-end engineers at the Life Sciences Department
Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS)

(Bio-)informatician web front-end developer at the Life Sciences Department
Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS)

Research Fellow/ Senior Research Fellow in Bioinformatics/Computational Biology
University College London (UCL)

Project manager

Upcoming events

The ELIXIR TeSS portal has a variety of interesting events and courses organised by the ELIXIR Nodes.

ELIXIR events

ELIXIR Innovation and SME Forum: Distributed data analysis - the {health} data train
10 - 11 October 2019 | Utrecht, Netherlands

Git for Mere Mortals - CyVerse webinar
11 October 2019 | Everywhere

Introduction to BRENDA and ProteinPlus
23 -24 October 2019 | Braunschweig, Germany

COMBINE & de.NBI Tutorial: Modelling and simulation tools in systems biology
31 October 2019 | Okinawa, Japan

FAIR Data Stewardship - digital data scholarship for the life sciences
4 -6 November 2019 | Utrecht, Netherlands

Introduction to Git and GitHub
7 November 2019 | Ghent, Belgium

Ligand-Protein docking and computer aided drug design
12 -14 November 2019 | Basel, Switzerland

3 - 7 February 2020 | Brussels, Belgium