Weekly Brief 3 December 2018

Hub Updates

We are getting ready for ELIXIR 5th Anniversary conference, taking place next week on 11 December in Brussels. There are still a few free places left, register by Friday 7 December.

ELIXIR Platforms, Communities and ELIXIR Nodes are invited to submit their proposals for ELIXIR webinars to be held in 2019. Please express your interest by filling in a short online questionnaire on the ELIXIR website.

Updates from Nodes

Mario J. Gaspar da Silva has been appointed the new Head of Node for ELIXIR Portugal. We would like to acknowledge the contribution and commitment of the outgoing Head of Node, Arlindo Oliveira, and wish him all the best in his future endeavours.

ELIXIR Estonia celebrates ELIXIR 5 year anniversary with a series of local events in Estonia. The main event ELIXIR Information Day takes place in Tartu, on 14 December 2018. Accompanying events run from 12 to 17 December. Speakers at the events include representatives from across ELIXIR Nodes.

Registration is now open for the ELIXIR-FI course Single cell RNA-seq data analysis with Chipster, in Espoo on 14.-15.3.2019.

Job board

The Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (part of ELIXIR Netherlands) has an open tenure track position in Bioinformatics or Statistical Machine Learning. Applications need to be received by 19 December 2018.

The Centre for Genomic Regulation (part of ELIXIR Spain) is currently looking to fill the Postdoctoral Position on Human Genomics Data. The successful candidate will co-load the curation and enrichment of EGA metadata and raw data in a context of HPC and Big Data.

University of Bielefeld (Lead institute of de.NBI - ELIXIR Germany) and ZB MED - Information Centre for Life Sciences are hiring a Professor of Service Science in the Life Sciences. Deadline for applications is 10 December 2018.

The Global Alliance for Genomics and Health (GA4GH) is currently looking for an Data Security Technologist.

The SIB Text Mining group in Geneva (part of ELIXIR Switzerland) is looking for three associate researchers.

The Caesar Foundation, based in Bonn, Germany, is currently looking to fill the position of Head of Scientific Computing. The primary goal of the research group will be to provide a central resource for scientific algorithm development, data analysis, image anaylsis, machine learning expertise and software development.

Upcoming events

The ELIXIR TeSS portal has a variety of interesting events and courses organised by the ELIXIR Nodes.

ELIXIR events

11 December 2018 | Brussels, Belgium
ELIXIR 5th Anniversary Event

12 December | Brussels, Belgium
HoN meeting

5-6 March 2019 | Stockholm, Sweden
ELIXIR Innovation and SME event: Genomics and Associated Data in National Healthcare Initiatives