Hub updates
A reminder that the report from the recent ELIXIR All Hands event, including links to slides and photos is now available.
We would like to expand the Industry network within ELIXIR. ELIXIR's Industry Advisory Committee meet few weeks ago, and in their report they stressed the need for a more established community of Industry-interested or Industry-liaison people within the Nodes/Platforms/Use Cases.
Being in the network does not involve specific tasks, apart from engaging in communications and exchange. The network will have a 'home" in the Industry section in the intranet, that will have guidelines for events, promotional material, plans for future events, etc.
If you would like join the network, please let Pablo Roman know. A list of existing members of the network can be found here.
Updates from Nodes
ELIXIR referenced in article published by EMBl-EBI 'Life-science data: a global responsibility' Registration is open for Genopole Summer School : Bioinformatic and Biostatistic tools in medical genomics organise by Genopole, France Genomique and IFB (ELIXIR-France).
Registration is open for an NGS - Genome variant analysis course to be hosted by SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics in Bern, Switzerland, 30 - 31 May 2017.
SIB's Clinical Bioinformatics group aims at providing health professionals with expertise and support for the organization, analysis and interpretation of patient molecular data, so that they may be used for diagnosis purpose. Watch the video and read more here.
The call for abstracts for oral presentations at the upcoming [BC]2 Basel Computational Biology Conference is open now.
Updates from Platforms
Chris Ponting and Rita Hendricusdottir are stepping down from the ELIXIR Training Platform. We would like to acknowledge their invaluable work in the last years and wish them all the best in their future endeavors. We welcome Gabriella Rustici and Louisa Bellis who are joining Celia van Gelder and Patricia Palagi in the Training Platform leadership.
Job board
The ELIXIR Hub is seeking a Head of ELIXIR Project Management Unit and an ELIXIR Scientific Administrator.
The German Network for Bioinformatics Infrastructure - de.NBI (ELIXIR Germany) is looking for a Data Scientist in Life Sciences.
ELIXIR Luxembourg is hiring Software Engineer to work on web-based knowledge management tools, bioinformatics analysis algorithms and GUI design and implementation. Another opening is for Science Manager to support the establishment and operation of the Node and manage its strategy development.
ELIXIR Belgium is seeking an enthusiastic ELIXIR Trainer and Software Developer to join their team.
ELIXIR Norway has numerous Associate Professor in Bioinformatics positions available.
Upcoming events
ELIXIR events
4-5 April 2017 | Freiburg, Germany
ELIXIR AAI Training Workshop
6-7 April 2017 | Malaga, Spain
ELIXIR-EXCELERATE HPC Train-the-Researcher event
25 April 2017 | Frankfurt, Germany
Strategic workshop "Future of Metabolomics in ELIXIR"
22-24 May 2017 | Cambridge, UK
ELIXIR/GOBLET/GTN hackathon for Galaxy training material re-use
5-6 June 2017 | Barcelona, Spain
ELIXIR Innovation and SME Forum: Genomics, bioInformatics and health - Private-Public partnerships around open data