Weekly Brief, 29 June 2020

Johanna Törnoos wins the best presentation award

At the annual ELIXIR All Hands, Johanna Törnroos won the best presentation award. She presented Impact through Collaboration emphasising the regional collaboration in the Nordics and highlighting the work within the Tryggve 2 project to improve, among others, familial and hereditary cancer risk assessments.

See the news release

Registration Open now for the ELIXIR BioHackathon Europe 2020

9-13 November 2020 | Barcelona

Registration is now open for this year's BioHackathon Europe. If you have any doubts, please contact us at biohackathon-europe@elixir-europe.org.

See the BioHackathon website

Are you experienced in outreach/public engagement activities?

The public engagement task team of the Global Alliance for Genomics and Health (GA4GH) is building a catalogue of public engagement/outreach activities across the genomics and health sectors to help others interact with the public.

For each participating organisation, the resource will include a high-level list of engagement activities and contact information.

Contact us if you want to share your public engagement activity at xenia.sitja@elixir-europe.org

Tip of the Week

Did you know that we have a focus group dedicated to Socio-Economic Impact?
If you want to showcase relevant impact stories, stay informed about ELIXIR impact efforts and get support for your Node, you can self-register
Go to the Impact Focus Group webpage

Updates from Nodes

New article on digital pathology to speed up diagnosis

The article features the work of researchers from the University of Tampere and the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, who developed an AI-based method to facilitate microscopic diagnosis and classify prostate cancers.
See the article

The Data Stewards Interest Group (DSIG)

A Netherlands based community, co-chaired by Mijke Jetten (DTL/ELIXIR-NL)

DSIG members meet regularly to exchange knowledge and experiences. The group is open for international data stewards (and alike). You can register to the mailing list to stay involved.
Go to the DSIG page

ELIXIR-CH shares post-lecture videos

The Swiss Node has made available the videos of two lectures:

  • Gene expression made useful easily: tools and database of Bgee
  • Introduction to Glycoinformatics

See SIB's YouTube channel

Updates from Platforms

Participate in the Community Curators Survey

The Data Platform has launched a survey about community data curation to engage community curators. The survey will help identify:

  • curator communities
  • key databases to specific research communities
  • curator engagement opportunities
  • the training needs of community curators.

Take the survey

The findings of the survey will be published on the Data Platform page once the survey has closed.

FAIR in practice reference list

The FAIR in Practice Task Force has published version 1 of the raw data they collected over the last year regarding the state of FAIR in different communities.
A link off to the publication on Zenodo

The task force, part of the EOSC Working Group on FAIR and with the participation of Rob Hooft from ELIXIR-NL, will present a report based on this data on July in a Webinar that will mark the start of public consultations.
Go to the registration page for the webinar

Application open for training funding

A Node to Node exchange

We are to grant 2000 per course for 13 more applications. Do not miss the chance to connect with other Nodes, create new or stronger networks for participants and teachers, and get the training you need. For any questions or doubts, reach out to Jessica Lindvall (ELIXIR-SE) jessica.lindvall@nbis.se

Apply for the training grant

Upcoming ELIXIR events & webinars

ELIXIR Training Courses & Webinars

The ELIXIR TeSS portal has a variety of interesting events and courses organised by the ELIXIR Nodes. See the TeSS portal.

ELIXIR Events and Conferences

19th European Conference on Computational Biology

September 2020 | Online

ELIXIR BioHakacthon Europe

913 November 2020 | Barcelona, Spain Job vacancies


Job vacancies

All vacancies are also published on the ELIXIR website (also including those from industry). If you need our help communicating your new open positions, you can submit a job advertisement and it will automatically appear on our newsletters.
Go to our vacancy page to submit a job

Data Management Usability Officer


Senior Software Engineer

CSC - IT Center for Science

Data Steward/Manager

University of Oslo

Call for postdoctoral researchers within the STARS COFUND

Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS) - part of ELIXIR-ES

Junior Research Engineer for simulations in biomedicine at the Computational Biology Group

Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS)

Updates from other initiatives

Last funding calls through Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI)

The last calls for proposals through the current IMI programme have opened.

  • Call 22 has a single-stage deadline on 29 September 2020
  • Call 23 includes topics of interest to ELIXIR Nodes and has the first-stage deadline on 29 September

If you intend to apply please contact juan.arenas@elixir-europe.org


Three new RDA Focus Groups

Co-chaired by Mijke Jetten from DTL (ELIXIR-NL)

RDA Education and Training on Handling of Research Data Interest Group (ETHRD-IG) has just started three focus groups. You are invited to join the meetings and contribute to the output of these three groups to discuss minimal documentation/metadata, extended documentation/metadata and training material repositories
RDA Focus Groups page

RDA Professionalising Data Stewardship Interest Group (PDS-IG)

Co-chaired by Mijke Jetten from DTL (ELIXIR-NL)

The group is currently in the process of becoming a formal RDA interest group. You are invited to read their charter and join the group
PDS-IG page

RDA's FAIR 4 Research Software Working Group offers a webinar on how to engage with them

The webinar will provide details of four subgroups, formed to define FAIR guiding principles for research software, and how to join these.

The same webinar is available at two different times:
Register for TODAY's Webinar at 10 pm CEST
Register for TOMORROW's Webinar at 9.30 am CEST


Join Tryggve's Newsletter

We recommend joining the Tryggve Newsletter if you are interested in Nordic regional collaboration to share sensitive data.
Go to the registration page for the newsletter

What is Tryggve?
Tryggve represents the Nordic collaboration for sensitive data funded by NeIC (The Nordic e-Infrastructure Collaboration) and ELIXIR Nodes. 'Tryggve contributes to facilitating automated cross-border sample and data movements complying with the Nordic legal framework, with an ambition to scale to Europe and beyond'.
NeIC's website