Hub updates
The UK is currently expected to leave the EU on 31 October, unless an extension is granted in the coming days. ELIXIR Nodes and external collaborators may well have questions about what this means for ELIXIR. Given this, we include a link again to a previous statement on this subject. Please contact us on if you have any questions.
Funding opportunity with EASI Genomics. Second call for Transnational Access Projects in academia and industry open now until 1 December 2019, with 6 suggested topics.
Upcoming deadlines:
We would like to remind you that the call for presentations and workshops for the ELIXIR All Hands 2020 meeting is open. The deadline is the 15 November 2019.
This is the final reminder that the deadline for funding for the ELIXIR Staff Exchange Programme is this Wednesday 30 October 2019. This programme supports exchange of staff between ELIXIR Nodes for short periods of time, (<6 months), or for a series of shorter trips. Budget is up to 15,000.
Only one month to go until our next Innovation and SME forum in Milan, Italy. The event titled Data management in the life sciences - a driver for innovation is free to register and will bring together experts from academia and industry and includes keynotes from Christina Messa, Massimo Delledonne, Iain Mattaj, Philippe Rocca-Serra.
Updates from Platforms
This is your last chance to fill in the ELIXIR Training Platform's survey to identify potential gaps in current training in Life Sciences across Europe. The survey takes only 5-10 minutes. Please share with your colleagues.
The deputy training coordinators of ELIXIR Germany are launching a 15-week Open Science ambassadors mentoring & training program for early-stage researchers and potential academic leaders in bioinformatics. We are recruiting mentees, mentors and experts for our first cohort to start in January 2020. have released a new publication Community curation of bioinformatics software and data resources in Briefings in Bioinformatics.
Updates from Nodes
Need to explain the importance of Open Science? SIB have released a new video, From open data to open knowledge, describing their vision for Open Science. A very engaging short video explaining the need for open data in an easily accessible manner.
The eTRANSAFE Text-Mining workshop about identification and annotation of treatment-related findings in toxicological reports was held on October 15 in Barcelona, Spain, just before the 7th eTRANSAFE Consortium Meeting. The workshop was organized at Barcelona Supercomputing Center by BSC/ELIXIR-ES and IMIM text mining teams. Read the news release to find out about the outcomes of the workshop of this IMI project where ELIXIR is involved.
Job board
All vacancies are also published on the ELIXIR website vacancies section(also including vacancies from industry). Submit vacancies from your Node or industry partners.
BBMRI-ERIC ELSI Services Officer
Postdoctoral position in Text Mining and NLP for the FNS (Food Nutrition Security) Cloud project
IMDEA Food Institute
ELIXIR Communications Officer (maternity cover)
Postdoc Protein Structural Biologist
Masaryk University
Bioinformatician/data scientist for research support and training
University of Luxembourg
Upcoming events
The ELIXIR TeSS portal has a variety of interesting events and courses organised by the ELIXIR Nodes.
ELIXIR events
ELIXIR Train the Trainer course
11 - 12 November 2019 | Heidelberg, Germany
4th European Conference on Translational Bioinformatics: Biomedical big data supporting precision medicine *Earlybird deadline 4 November*
11 - 12 November 2019 | Granada, Spain
ELIXIR Innovation and SME Forum: Data management in the life sciences - a driver for innovation
27 - 28 November 2019 | Milan, Italy
Advances in Computational Biology conference *DEADLINE 1 November*
28 - 29 November 2019 | Barcelona, Spain
ELIXIR-NL Training Technical data stewardship
2 - 4 December 2019 | Amsterdam, Netherlands
Advanced R Shiny in Lausanne and Zurich:
3 December 2019 | Lausanne, Switzerland
5 December 2019 | Zurich, Switzerland
Introduction to RNA-seq: from quality control to pathway analysis
4 - 5 December 2019 | Basel, Switzerland
Research Data Management and Data stewardship: much more than a FAIRytale
12 December 2019 | Brussels, Belgium
ELIXIR Train the Trainer course
12 - 13 December 2019 | Luxembourg, Luxembourg