Weekly Brief, 27 May 2019

Hub updates

Join the ELIXIR webinar this week on Wednesday 29 May 2019 at 15.00 CEST. The webinar will present the CoreTrustSeal certification for trustworthy data repositories.

Invitation for nominations for ELIXIR Platform ExCo positions has been extended. More information is available on the ELIXIR website.

The Heads of Nodes approved two new ELIXIR Communities at their May meeting: Microbial Biotechnology and Intrinsically Disordered Proteins. Web pages for the Communities are being developed.

Read the report from the first ELIXIR Bioinformatics Supplier Forum in London on 7 May. The event brought together over 80 consumers and providers of bioinformatics services.

Updates from Platforms

Bjorn Gruening et al published a new paper in Gigascience concerning software engineering for scientific big data analysis.

Terri Attwood (ELIXIR-UK, GOBLET Chair) gave a presentation about the GOBLET-ELIXIR collaboration. GOBLET invites all ELIXIR Nodes, Institutes and Individuals to join as active members to work on our collaborative training activities.

ELIXIR Node Inventory of Data Management & Data Stewardship (DM/DS) Course Materials is now open; all Nodes are invited to submit information about their DM/DS course materials for both full courses and course modules that are available for use and reuse.

On 11-12 June, the 1st RNA-seq workshop for beginners: from sequences to visualization using Galaxy from Gallantries (Galaxy + The Carpentries) will be delivered simultaneously at two locations across Europe.

The Training platform is leading the Biocuration implementation study to map the landscape of biocuration across ELIXIR. The 2nd workshop will take place at the All hands meeting in Lisbon - we would like to see more people join us at the workshop, especially those who are involved in tools development, supervision and training of curators (curators still of course welcome).

Niall Beard hosted a workshop to review the Bioschemas Training specifications at the Bioinformatics Education Summit in Cape Town.

Updates from Communities

A new paper on Plant Data Standards implementation has been accepted in Plant Genomics: Applying FAIR Principles to Plant Phenotypic Data Management in GnpIS. It demonstrates the use of the plant phenotyping data standards (MIAPPE, Crop Ontology and BrAPI) for publishing reduced data for phenotype to genotype linking. It is complementary to systems devised in Emphasis for raw experimental data capture and computation.

The Galaxy Community Conference is taking plance in July in Freiburg, Germany. The early-bird registration closes this Friday.

Updates from Nodes

Registrations are open for the SIB course on Clinical bioinformatics for microbial genomics and metagenomics, on 9-12 September 2019, in Lausanne.

Registration is open for the new advanced BioSB course: Algorithms for Genomics on July 1-5, 2019 in Delft, Netherlands. The course covers genome analysis, variant analysis and pangenomics with a focus on algorithms and data structures underlying state-of-the-art methods.

Registrations are open for two HPC workshops in Utrecht Netherlands, organised by ELIXIR Netherlands and SURFsara:

Applications are open until May 31 for the Course on Image Processing for Electron Microscopy and hybrid modelling on 8-11 July in Madrid, Spain. This course is organized by the National Center for Biotechnology (CNB) part of ELIXIR Spain. There are 10 accommodation grants available!

There are still free places for the ELIXIR-EXCELERATE (in collaboration with ELIXIR-IT) Train the Trainer (TtT) event on 30-31 May in Padua, Italy. Candidates from ELIXIR nodes might apply for an ELIXIR Staff Exchange Programme Travel Grant.

Job board

All vacancies are also published on the ELIXIR website vacancies section (also including vacancies from industry). Submit vacancies from your Node or industry partners.

CNIO (part of ELIXIR Spain) is hiring Bioinformatics developer for GENCODE project at the Bioinformatics Unit.

The Instituto Gulbenkian de Cincia is welcoming applications for a Research Fellowship to work on the development and maintenance of the web portal CorkOakDB.

Heriot-Watt University (ELIXIR UK) is looking for Research Software Engineer to develop and maintain support tools within FAIRplus and Bioschemas.

Barcelona Supercomputing Center (part of ELIXIR Spain) is looking for (bio-)informatician web front-end developer and back-end engineers.

Orphanet (part of ELIXIR France) is recruiting a project and data manager to work on ontological modelisation project on rare diseases cases.

VIB (part of ELIXIR Belgium) is looking for Cloud software developer to work on the PLAZA platform.

ELIXIR Luxembourg is looking for Research Associate in the field of clinical and translational medicine informatics.

Upcoming events

The ELIXIR TeSS portal has a variety of interesting events and courses organised by the ELIXIR Nodes.

ELIXIR events

17-20 June 2019 | Lisbon, Portugal
ELIXIR All Hands meeting

18-22 November 2019 | Paris, France
Biohackathon Europe