Weekly Brief 27 March 2017

Hub updates

It was great to see so many of you in Rome last week for the ELIXIR All Hands meeting, with nearly 300 ELIXIR participants from across the ELIXIR Nodes and beyond. Read the Read the report form the event, including links to slides and photos.

For those that attended the meeting we would appropriate your feedback on the event. Please complete this survey.

Watch the second ELIXIR video to present some of ELIXIR's resources and their impact.

The new ELIXIR website design is now on a development server. There's a form at the bottom of every page for people to give feedback, so please feel free to use it! The site is a working draft that people can follow, and it will probably change as a result of feedback.

Please note that (1) the home page will be redesigned in the next couple of weeks and (2) the intranet pages have been redesigned but you can't log in to the intranet on the development server yet.

Updates from Nodes

An ELIXIR Innovation and SME Forum: Genomics, bioInformatics and health - Private-Public partnerships around open data event will take place in Barcelona, 5-6 June 2017. More information. ELIXIR Italy is organising training course "Computational approaches to the study of protein interactions and rational drug design" on 10-13 April 2017 in Padova, Italy. Registration is still open! ELIXIR Nodes in Germany and Netherlands, in coordination with the PhenoMeNal project and the Netherlands Metabolomic Centre are organising a strategic workshop "Future of Metabolomics in ELIXIR" on 25 April 2017 at Frankfurt Airport, Germany.

Updates from Platforms

The recording from the webinar presented recently by Björn Gru00fcning (ELIXIR Germany) introducing Bioconda and BioContainers, the conda package manager specializing in bioinformatics software is now available via the ELIXIR website.

BlueBRIDGE project is holding workshop FAIR friendly research data catalogues: How far are we?, 3 April 201, Barcelona, collocated with the 9th RDA Plenary Meeting. This workshop will discuss how different projects dealing with research data catalogues approach the FAIR principles. An ELIXIR/GOBLET/GTN hackathon for Galaxy training material re-use will be held in Cambridge, UK, 22-24 May in the framework of ELIXIR-EXCELERATE. Further details here.

Job board

The ELIXIR Hub is seeking two Coordinators - for Human Genomics and Translational Data Services and for the ELIXIR Compute platform. Another opening is for an ELIXIR Scientific Administrator.

ELIXIR Luxembourg is hiring Software engineer to work on web-based knowledge management tools, bioinformatics analysis algorithms and GUI design and implementation. Another opening is for Science Manager to support the establishment and operation of the Node and manage its strategy development.

ELIXIR Belgium is seeking an enthusiastic ELIXIR Trainer and Software Developer to join their team.

ELIXIR Norway has numerous Associate Professor in Bioinformatics positions available.

Upcoming events

ELIXIR events

3-6 April 2017, Espoo, Finland
ELIXIR EXCELERATE training course "Metagenomics data analysis"

4-5 April 2017 | Freiburg, Germany
ELIXIR AAI Training Workshop

6-7 April 2017 | Malaga, Spain
ELIXIR-EXCELERATE HPC Train-the-Researcher event

25 April 2017 | Frankfurt, Germany
Strategic workshop "Future of Metabolomics in ELIXIR"

22-24 May 2017 | Cambridge, UK
ELIXIR/GOBLET/GTN hackathon for Galaxy training material re-use

5-6 June 2017 | Barcelona, Spain
ELIXIR Innovation and SME Forum: Genomics, bioInformatics and health - Private-Public partnerships around open data