Weekly Brief, 27 January 2020

Hub updates

The recording for the recent ELIXIR guest webinar 'Two universes, one world - Community standards vs. formal ISO standards in the life sciences' is now available online. Many thanks once again to our guests speaker Martin Golebiewski.

ELIXIR and FAIRplus were mentioned in the European Medicines Agency report 'Evolving data-driven regulation' on the potential of big data for EUs healthcare regulatory framework.

Applications are open for funding for Essential Open Source Software for Science from the Chan Zuckerberg Intiative. The funding is open to everyone, and you can apply for funding between $50,000-$250,000. Deadline is soon - 4 February 2020.

Updates from Nodes

The kickoff meeting of the Staff Exchange Scheme 'Empowering ELIXIR Nodes to measure and communicate their performance and impact' will take place this week in Lisbon, Portugal. This event organised by ELIXIR Nodes Portugal, Norway and Italy will aim to build capacity in the performance and impact assessment of research infrastructures. Outcomes of the meeting will be shared and further events are planned in Norway and Italy.

Updates from Platforms

We are planning for the 2020 Interoperability Platform Face to Face meeting. This event is open to everyone in ELIXIR with one of the aims to interact with and and collect feedback from our users. Please fill out the Doodle poll here for your availability. The poll will close on 31 January 2020 17:00 GMT. The venue is to be decided. If your team/institute would like to host this meeting, please get in touch with Sirarat.sarntivijai@elixir-europe.org.

The application to apply for funding for up to 10 established training events in 2020 is now open. Deadline for applications is 17 February 2020. Please direct questions to Jessica Lindvall (ELIXIR-SE): jessica.lindvall@nbis.se.

ELIXIR France is glad to introduce the new French Deputy Training Coordinator, Olivier Sand, Olivier.SAND@cnrs.fr. Welcome on board!

Job board

All vacancies are also published on the ELIXIR website vacancies section(also including vacancies from industry). Submit vacancies from your Node or industry partners.

Postdoctoral researcher in high-throughput transcriptomics
Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS)

Programme Coordinator - ELIXIR Finland
CSC - IT Center for Science

System Developer
Elixir Norway

Natural Language Processing Engineer position at the Integrative Biomedical Informatics group
Research Programme on Biomedical Informatics (GRIB)

Bioinformatician / Computational biologist at the Computational Genomics group
Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS) and Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona)

Upcoming ELIXIR events

The ELIXIR TeSS portal has a variety of interesting events and courses organised by the ELIXIR Nodes.

ELIXIR events