Weekly Brief 27 Feb 2017

Hub updates

Registration is now open for the following workshops taking place alongside the ELIXIR All Hands meeting:

Monday - WP5 (Interoperability) and WP11/TrCG (Training) meetings
Wednesday - Parallel workshops
Thursday - Parallel workshops

Please enter your details under the appropriate tab in the spreadsheet if you plan to attend by 16 March.

All participants will also need to ensure you are signed up for the All Hands event itself. If you haven't already signed up to the ELIXIR All Hands event, then please complete the registration. ELIXIR All Hands 2017 programme here.

Use the ELIXIR poster template and the presentation slides template for your posters and talks at All-Hands. You should print your poster and bring it with you; the electronic copy should be sent to allhands@elixir-europe.org.

ELIXIR mentioned as example of a domain-specific infrastructure in the e-Infrastructure Reflection Group roadmap (pdf).

Updates from Nodes

de.NBI (ELIXIR Germany) has published the latest edition of its quarterly newsletter (pdf).

Updates from Platforms

Registration for the ELIXIR EXCELERATE training course "Metagenomics data analysis" to be held in Espoo, Finland, 3-6 April 2017, closes 5 March 2017. Register now if you would like to attend.

Updates from Use Cases

ELIXIR will be attending this years FARR conference taking place in Manchester, 24 - 26 April 2017 in order to showcase the work of the Human Data Platform. Please contact us is you would be interested in helping to man the ELIXIR booth at the conference.
The NIH NHGRI is seeking input on dbGaP data submission and access procedures. More information here.

Upcoming events

The ELIXIR Hub is seeking two Coordinators - for Human Genomics and Translational Data Services and for the ELIXIR Compute platform. Another opening is for ELIXIR Technical Project Manager.

ELIXIR Luxembourg is hiring Software engineer to work on web-based knowledge management tools, bioinformatics analysis algorithms and GUI design and implementation.

ELIXIR Belgium is seeking an enthusiastic ELIXIR Trainer to join their team.

ELIXIR Norway is seeking a Senior Engineer/Chief Engineer (system administrator) at the Department of Informatics, University of Bergen. The university also has numerous Associate Professor in Bioinformatics positions available.

Upcoming events

ELIXIR events

27-28 February 2017 | Helsinki, Finland
ELIXIR SME & Innovation Forum event

1-2 March 2017 | Tu00fcbingen, Germany
Strategic workshop "The future of proteomics in ELIXIR"

1-3 March 2017 | Tallinn, Estonia
Technical Hackathon on Implementing Visual Workflows in bio.tools

6-8 March 2017 | Hinxton, UK
ELIXIR Bioschemas Planning Meeting

21-23 March 2017 | Rome, Italy
ELIXIR All Hands 2017

3-6 April 2017, Espoo, Finland
ELIXIR EXCELERATE training course "Metagenomics data analysis"

4-5 April 2017 | Freiburg, Germany
ELIXIR AAI Training Workshop

6-7 April 2017 | Malaga, Spain
ELIXIR-EXCELERATE HPC Train-the-Researcher event