EBIF 2020 | Last day to register!
28 April 2020 | 14.00 BST Online
Tomorrow we will start the ELIXIR Bioinformatics Industry Forum
Remember that even if you had registered for the F2F event, you still need to register again for the Online meeting.
Register here
As part of the EBIF series of online events, we have prepared several online meetings for the following months. Save the dates:
- 5 May 2020 | Exploiting semantics web technology for a service cross-talk between companies
- 28 May 2020 | Open source Software in the Life Sciences
- 23 June 2020 | Large scale cloud computing in the life sciences
All Hands 2020 agenda is now live
Registration and additional poster submissions for the virtual event will open next Monday, May 4th of May.
New COVID-19 Resource: Interactive Map of National Initiatives
Navigate the map to find out what ELIXIR members are doing to support the fight against COVID-19 in their countries. The informaton will be updated periodically to include all Nodes activities.
How ELIXIR can support the Horizon Europe Missions
We have recently published three factsheets to highlight how we can support the Cancer, Healthy Oceans and Health Soils Missions in Horizon Europe.
Read here the full news release, and download and share our flyers
COVID-19 Updates
We have created an ELIXIR COVID-19 webpage to list all ELIXIR services that support researchers working on SARS-CoV-2. The site will be updated periodically to display new resources.
You can track our advance on compiling COVID-19 projects by accessing our shared document that includes all services and initiatives from the Nodes.
This is an internal document. Please, do not share outside ELIXIR.
Please, use this to discuss and exchange ideas on SARS-CoV-2 research initiatives, consider collaboration opportunities across ELIXIR Nodes and share results of your work on COVID-19 with other ELIXIR members.
If you haven't joined the workspace yet, don't forget to connect with us on Slack or email Katharina Lauer to be part of the conversation
ELIXIR PT Develops a detection and therapeutics oligo database for SARS-CoV-2
CoV2ID is a database that evaluates therapeutic and detection protocols according to the virus genetic diversity.
ELIXIR EE Develops data collection services and modelling tools for hospitals
Scientists at the University of Tartu in Estonia have developed a portal to help hospitals collect data to track the spread of the disease.
ELIXIR HU creates a timeline Map
Csabai-bio tracks the spreading of the disease to predict the outcome of the outbreak in each country
Tip of the Week
In these hard times to communicate your research (both related and/or unrelated to COVID-19), it is worth checking the Node communications toolkit with social media guidelines, digital etiquette, recommendations to evaluate the impact and much more.
Updates from Platforms
New Global Biodata Coalition Website goes live
'A forum for research funders to better coordinate and share approaches for the efficient management and growth of biodata resources worldwide.'
Check here the website of this distributed infrastructure
COVID-19 Wikidata project booklet translated to Japanese
A booklet has been created using Markdown and SPARQL queries to summarize SARS-CoV-2 information. This booklet has now been translated to Japanese, an effort started during the online BioHackathon earlier this month.
Wikipathways COVID-19 Portal now included in PubChem
The Wikipathways developed for the international COVIDPathways Project are now included in PubChem.
Software Carpentry Course 2020: Computing Skills for Reproducible Research
2022 October 2020 | EMBL Heidelberg, Germany
de.NBI (ELIXIR Germany Node) will organise the course in collaboration with EMBL BioIT
Updates from Communities
New Galaxy Webinar Series on workflows for SARS-CoV-2 data
Session 1: Introduction to Galaxy and the Galaxy workflows for SARS-CoV-2 data analysis
30 April 2020 | 17.0018.00 CEST
Session 2: Genomics/Variant Calling
7 May 2020 | 17.0018.00 CEST
Session 3: Cheminformatics: Screening of the main protease
14 May 2020 | 17.0018.00 CEST
Session 4: Evolution of the Virus
20 May 2020 | 17.0018.00 CEST
Session 5: Deployment
28 May 2020 | 17.0018.00 CEST Updates from Focus Groups
Establishing New Focus Group on Systems Biology
We aim to consider and report how ELIXIR should support systems biology, and interact with other relevant groups in Europe and worldwide that coordinate systems biology.
Sign up here before the 8th of May
We invite anyone interested in joining. If you have already been in contact with us about this Focus Group you do not need to sign up again.
Upcoming ELIXIR events & webinars
ELIXIR Training Courses & Webinars
The ELIXIR TeSS portal has a variety of interesting events and courses organised by the ELIXIR Nodes.
Systems MedicineVirtual Spring Seminar Series 2020
29 April 202027 May 2020
ELIXIR Slovenia will organize these series where experts from all over the world will share their experiences with systems medicine, hosted by Prof Dr Damjana Rozman, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana
SARS-CoV-2 Glycobiology Webinar
30 April 2020 | Online
A tour of the glycoinformatics resources with information relevant to human SARS-CoV-2 infection presented by Frdrique Lisacek
Online Interoperability Platform Meeting
1112 May 2020 | Online
ELIXIR Events and Conferences
19th European Conference on Computational Biology
59 September 2020 | Sitges, Barcelona, Spain
ELIXIR BioHakacthon Europe
913 November 2020 | Barcelona, Spain Job vacancies
All vacancies are also published on the ELIXIR website vacancies section (also including vacancies from industry).
Submit vacancies from your Node or industry partners.
Bioinformatician, genomic analyses of pediatric sarcomas
Princess Mxima Center for Pediatric Oncology
Research Engineer at the Comparative Genomics group
Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS)
Natural Language Processing engineer position at the Integrative Biomedical Informatics group
Research Programme on Biomedical Informatics (GRIB)
Angular GUI developer position at the PharmacoInformatics group
Research Programme on Biomedical Informatics (GRIB)
Bioinformatics Post-doc - Single Cell RNAseq of innate immune cells
Bordeaux Bioinformatics Center (CBiB)
News from other initiatives
e-IRG Workshop: Series of Webinars
Starting on the 25th of May 2020
Each webinar will address one of the key challenges of e-Infrastructures within the new ERA: future skills, partnerships and FAIR data. In these virtual sessions, participants are given the opportunity to interact with the speakers as well.
EGI Series of Webinars
Starting on April until July 2020
The webinars will introduce EGI's services, focus on specific technologies, and showcase communities that already benefit from them. They will also provide a perfect opportunity for both new and established colleagues to get up to date with the EGI services, approaches, communities and plans.
Recommended read: Health-RI Newsletter
We recommend reading the first Health-RI Newsletter released last week, which dedicated the first issue to the Dutch COVID-19 Data Support Programme.