Weekly Brief, 26 September 2022

This week's highlights

Two new Platform co-leads announced

ELIXIR is pleased to announce two new Platform co-leads (Executive Committee members or ExCos) who will be taking up their roles from October 2022. Harald Wagener (Germany) joins as Compute Platform co-lead and Eva Alloza (Spain) as Training Platform co-lead.

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PROPHET project kicks off

The ELIXIR Hub is part of a network of 18 European partner organisations creating a PeRsOnalised Prevention roadmap for the future HEalThcare in Europe (PROPHET). The PROPHET Stakeholder Forum aims to support the definition and implementation of innovative, sustainable and high-quality personalised strategies effective in preventing chronic diseases.

ELIXIR contact - Serena Scollen
PROPHET contact - mario.masiello [at] unicatt.it (Mario Masiello)

Federated EGA becomes reality

The European Genome-phenome Archive (EGA) is pleased to announce the first signings of the Collaboration Agreement between national Nodes and Central EGA. This important step in the formation of a Federated EGA to better address transnational human data sharing challenges.

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Programme Manager - Life Science Data & Interoperability

We are looking for an experienced life science data professional to manage the programme of activities carried out by the Data and Interoperability Platforms, including the ELIXIR Core Data Resources, ELIXIR Deposition Databases and ELIXIR Recommended Interoperability Resources.

Find out more

All Hands 2022 meeting report published

Two versions of the All Hands 2022 meeting report have been published:

External version - with external links to posters and presentations which have been uploaded to F1000
Internal version - with internal links to all agendas, posters and presentations

Fifth Show & Tell: Impact of international activities on national level

7 October 2022 | 10:00 CET

Johanna Trnroos from ELIXIR Finland will present on the impact of international activities on the national level. This event is part of the ELIXIR Strategic Implementation Study on Impact, in collaboration with ELIXIR-CONVERGE WP4. All are welcome to join, especially those involved in ELIXIR and interested in impact evaluation.

Register now

Recommended reads

Beacon v2 Reference Implementation: a toolkit to enable federated sharing of genomic and phenotypic data

An ELIXIR Spain paper

Beacon v2 is an API specification established by the Global Alliance for Genomics and Health initiative (GA4GH) that defines a standard for federated discovery of genomic and phenotypic data. Here, we present the Beacon v2 Reference Implementation (B2RI), a set of open-source software tools that allow lighting up a local Beacon instance out-of-the-box. Along with the software, we have created detailed Read the Docs documentation that includes information on deployment and installation.

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Advances and utility of the human plasma proteome

An ELIXIR France paper

The study of proteins circulating in blood offers tremendous opportunities to diagnose, stratify or possibly prevent diseases. Here we provide views and perspectives about technological developments and possible clinical applications that use mass-spectrometry or affinity-based methods. We discuss examples where plasma proteomics contributed valuable insights into SARS-CoV-2 infections, aging, and hemostasis and the opportunities offered by combining proteomics with genetic data.

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Updates from Nodes

Health-RI keynote: What we can learn from Denmark about health data infrastructure

6 October | Utrecht, Netherlands

During the Health-RI conference, Vibeke van der Sprong (Deputy Director General of the Danish Health Data Authority) will give a keynote speech about learning from Denmark's health data infrastructure.

Find out more

Updates from Other Initiatives

Joining forces to define the European health data sharing landscape for research

23 November | Brussels, Belgium | Hybrid

What will the future European health data sharing landscape for research look like?

Find out more

Upcoming ELIXIR events & webinars

ELIXIR Training Courses & Webinars

The ELIXIR TeSS portal has a variety of interesting events and courses organised by the ELIXIR Nodes. For more, visit TeSS portal

SIB: Introduction to Machine Learning with Python
3-4 October 2022 | Virtual

SIB: First steps with R in Life Sciences
10-11 October 2022 | Zurich, Switzerland

SIB: Protein sequence databases and sequence annotation at UniProtKB
14 October 2022 | Virtual


20 October 2022 | Virtual


SIB: Docker and Singularity for reproducible research: getting started with container
26 October 2022 | Virtual


SIB: Single-cell transcriptomics

14-16 November 2022 | Bern, Switzerland


Data-Interoperability Platforms Hybrid F2F 2022
28-30 November 2022 | Geneva, Switzerland



ELIXIR Events and Conferences

ELIXIR Bioinformatics Industry Forum: Enabling Ecosystems for Machine Learning in the Life Sciences
11 October 2022 | 10:00 to 16:00 CEST | London, UK

BioHackathon Europe

7-11 November 2022 | Paris, France

Job vacancies

All vacancies are also published on the ELIXIR website (also including those from industry). If you need our help communicating your new open positions, you can submit a job advertisement and it will automatically appear on our newsletters. Go to our vacancy page to submit a job

Scientific Programmer (EMDB)


Community Development Manager

Naturalis Biodiversity Center

Research engineer in Service development and operations at AIDA Data Hub

AIDA Data Hub

Frontend developer


Research engineer in Data sharing at the AIDA Data Hub

AIDA Data Hub