Weekly Brief 26 November 2018

Hub Updates

The Grant Agreement for the EOSC-Life Horizon 2020 project has now been signed by the Coordinator and the European Commission. The official starting date of the project will be 1 March 2019. ELIXIR is coordinating this Cluster project, which brings together all 13 ESFRI Biomedical Research Infrastructures.

Our next Innovation and SME Forum is planned for 5-6 March 2019 in Stockholm, Sweden, organised with ELIXIR Sweden and Finland. The theme of the event is Genomics and Associated Data in National Healthcare Initiatives. More information will be available on the ELIXIR website.

EOSC Portal launched and Vienna Declaration announced. Last week in Vienna, the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) Portal was launched. At the same event, a new EOSC Declaration was announced, as were the names of those appointed to the EOSC Executive Board.

Platform updates

The Biocuration 2019 meeting in Cambridge on 7-9 April is encouraging abstract submission. Session topics which may be of interest include Data standards and ontologies: Making data FAIR, Curation for human health and nutrition, and Tools for Biocuration and Visualisation. Deadline for abstract submission is 21 December 2018.

Updates from Nodes

The new de.NBI Quarterly Newsletter is now avaiable to download from the de.NBI website.

Registrations are open for the SIB course on RNA-seq: From quality control to pathway analysis in Bern on 21-22 January 2019.

Registrations are open for the second session of the course High Performance Computing for genomic applications, organized for the D-BIOL researchers by Scientific IT Services, in Zrich (Switzerland), on 13-14 December 2018. The main goal of the course is to increase IT competences of researchers (including PhD students) and encourage them to use Euler cluster for bioinformatic analyses.

The ELIXIR Czech Republic Annual Conference took place last week in Tel and presented the results and activities of the Czech ELIXIR Node.

Job board

University of Bielefeld (Lead institute of de.NBI - ELIXIR Germany) and ZB MED - Information Centre for Life Sciences are hiring a Professor of Service Science in the Life Sciences. Deadline for applications is 10 December 2018.

The Global Alliance for Genomics and Health (GA4GH) is currently looking for an Data Security Technologist.

ELIXIR Sweden is looking for one or two system developers with operational responsibility, based at Uppsala University.

The SIB Text Mining group in Geneva (part of ELIXIR Switzerland) is looking for three associate researchers.

The Galaxy team at the University of Freiburg (part of ELIXIR Germany) is looking for a full time JavaScript developer to support the development of the Galaxy Europe instance.

Upcoming events

The ELIXIR TeSS portal has a variety of interesting events and courses organised by the ELIXIR Nodes.

ELIXIR events

11 December 2018 | Brussels, Belgium
ELIXIR 5th Anniversary Event

12 December | Brussels, Belgium
HoN meeting

5-6 March 2019 | Stockholm, Sweden
ELIXIR Innovation and SME event: Genomics and Associated Data in National Healthcare Initiatives