ELIXIR All Hands registration now open!
1-11 June 2021
Deadline 14 May
Registration is now open for the ELIXIR All Hands 2021! Please note that you need to be logged into the intranet to register.
Visit the event page
Register for the ELIXIR-CONVERGE Communications Workshop
25-26 May 2021
Registration deadline 30 April
We would like to invite everyone who works in or is interested in communications from across ELIXIR to join us for this ELIXIR-CONVERGE Communications Workshop.
Apologies for the issues experienced with last week's registration link! This is now fixed. Please register before this Friday 30 April.
Register here
Join us for this week's ELIXIR Webinar
29 April | 17:00 CEST Guest speaker Professor Yann Joly (McGill University) will introduce us to the work of the Genetic Discrimination Observatory (GDO): a network of researchers dedicated to preventing discrimination based on genomic and other omic data worldwide.
Register here
Recommended reads of the week
Critical assessment of protein intrinsic disorder prediction
A Nature Methods paper from the ELIXIR IDP Community and ELIXIR-IT
Intrinsically disordered proteins, defying the traditional protein structurefunction paradigm, are a challenge to study experimentally. Because a large part of our knowledge rests on computational predictions, it is crucial that their accuracy is high. The Critical Assessment of protein Intrinsic Disorder prediction (CAID) experiment was established as a community-based blind test to determine the state of the art in prediction of intrinsically disordered regions and the subset of residues involved in binding.
Continue reading...
The de novo FAIRification process of a registry for vascular anomalies
An ELIXIR-NL paper
Patient data registries that are FAIR - Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable for humans and computers - facilitate research across multiple resources. This is particularly relevant to rare diseases, where data often are scarce and scattered. We successfully developed and implemented a process of making a rare disease registry for vascular anomalies FAIR from its conception - de novo.
Continue reading...
Updates from Platforms
New conference announcement:
Making career-spanning learning in the life sciences inclusive for all
What started two years ago as an idea how now become a small community and now an NSF-funded research project. The work of the conference is to use a structured process to draft pragmatic recommendations to strengthen short-format training.
Find out more
Updates from Communities
Welcome to Dylan Spalding, the new FHD Community co-lead
We are pleased to announce that following the recent call for applications and the resulting process Dylan Spalding (CSC, ELIXIR-Finland) has been appointed as a co-lead of the Federated Human Data Community.
Dylans work in B1MG and associated exposure to country use-cases will be incredibly valuable for the Community's focus on the Federated EGA service.
Galaxy Webinar Series
The first webinar in the Galaxy resources for... webinar series "Galaxy resources for Researchers" is now available online via YouTube.
Watch now
Next up in the series is "Galaxy resources for Educators and Trainers" on 28 April, 15:00GMT/16:00CEST
Register here
Your input wanted! Emerging Toxicology Community
Deadline 10 June 2021
The emerging ELIXIR Toxicology Community are presenting their white paper draft for consultation and feedback. Please send your comments on the PDF document to ELIXIR Communities Coordinator Katharina Heil (Katharina.heil@elixir-europe.org) by the 10 June 2021. Updates from Nodes
ELIXIR Belgium host the 2021 Galaxy Community Conference
Abstract submission deadline 5 May
The event features:
- a training week (28 June - 2 July),
- three days of conference (6-8 July)
- a 2-day CollaborationFest (9-10 July).
All training sessions are pre-recorded and online support will be available. The conference days will include talks with live Q&A, posters, demos, birds-of-a-feather and social gatherings. The multi-day CoFest gives the opportunity to get involved and to improve the Galaxy ecosystem.
Event details and registration
IFB Newsletter
The April edition of the IFB's Newsletter has been released. Read to find out more about IFBs vision on training, their involvement in EMERGEN (the national project concerning Covid-19), and much more!
Read more
Workflow4Experimenters 2021: Analyse your data with Galaxy and the Workflow4metabolomics e-infrastructure
11-15 October | Toulouse, France | In English
Preregistration deadline 15 May
During this one-week course (entirely in English), you will learn how to use the W4M e-infrastructure and analyze your own LC-MS, GC-MS, or NMR data. Morning sessions will be dedicated to methodology and tools. Afternoon sessions will be devoted to tutoring.
Course details and registration
ELIXIR-UK: The Cambridge Computational Biology Institute Annual Symposium
12 May 2021 | Online This is an event by an ELIXIR-UK member organisation - as this is an online event the Cambridge Computational Biology Institute are welcoming anyone who would like to attend. Join to hear talks from researchers at various departments at the University of Cambridge, Microsoft, Cancer Research UK, eLifeSciences publications and more.
Event sdetails and registration Updates from other initiatives
Delivery of a proof of concept for terms4FAIRskills: Technical report
This report sets out the aims, activities and outputs of EOSC Co-creation funded project 074, 'Delivery of a proof of concept for terms4FAIRskills', which developed a proof of concept version of a terminology for describing the knowledge and skills for making and keeping data FAIR.
Read more Upcoming ELIXIR events & webinars
ELIXIR Training Courses and Webinars
The ELIXIR TeSS portal has a variety of interesting events and courses organised by the ELIXIR Nodes. A link off to the TeSS portal
ELIXIR Webinar: Genetic Discrimination Observatory
29 April 2021 | 17:00 CEST
ELIXIR-CZ Friday Coffee: SPCI: Structural and physicochemical interpretation of QSAR models
30 April 2021 | 9:30 CEST
ELIXIR-UK: The Cambridge Computational Biology Institute Annual Symposium
12 May 2021 | 10:00-17:40 CEST
ELIXIR Webinar: Towards professionalising data stewardship
18 May 2021 | 15:00 CEST
EOSC-Life workshop: Hosting hybrid events
2 July 2021 | Online
Galaxy Community Conference 2021 (virtual)
- 28 June - 2 July | Training week
- 6-8 July | Conference
- 9-10 July | CollaborationFest
Workflow4Experimenters 2021: Analyse your data with Galaxy and the Workflow4metabolomics e-infrastructure
11 - 15 October 2021 | Toulouse, France
ELIXIR Events and Conferences
Innovation and SME Forum: Building the learning ecosystem of health: from data tracking to preventive medicine
Abstract deadline 16 April
1315 September 2021 | Online
Job vacancies
All vacancies are also published on the ELIXIR website (also including those from industry). If you need our help communicating your new open positions, you can submit a job advertisement and it will automatically appear on our newsletters. Go to our vacancy page to submit a job
Data Director
Research Associate in the field Semantics and Ontologies
Forschungszentrum Jlich
Communications and Data Helpdesk Coordinator
Centre for Genomic Regulation
Postdoc or PhD student in advanced machine learning and data science
Leibniz-Forschungsinstitut fr Molekulare Pharmakologie (FMP) i
Postdoc in Systems Vaccinology
CMBI, RadboudUMC