Weekly Brief, 24 August 2020

Recommended read of the week

'A compendium of mutational cancer driver genes'

Nature Review

The Biomedical Genomics Lab at IRB Barcelona (ELIXIR-ES) has analysed the genomes of 28,000 tumours from 66 types of cancer, identifying 568 cancer driver genes. The study has also allowed a major update of the Integrative OncoGenomics platform (IntOGen), which aims to identify mutational cancer driver genes.

Read the article in Nature Reviews Cancer

Tip of the week

Did you know you can search for ELIXIR members using the Intranet?
Go to the Intranet landing page, under 'Common tasks', and click on 'Finding a person in ELIXIR'.

Updates from Nodes

ELIXIR-ES releases a pre-print

'Functional characterization of SARS-CoV-2 infection suggests a complex inflammatory response and metabolic alterations'

ELIXIR Spain has released a pre-print on a study that reanalysed data from peripheral blood samples of Covid-19 patients. The results suggested a complex inflammatory response and alterations in metabolic pathways that could be used as potential therapeutic targets.
Read the full article

de.NBI releases no.21 newsletter

The 21st newsletter is now available. This month's issue includes the de.NBI retreat on COVID-19 research, de.NBI task force for COVID-19 human omics data and the review of the ELIXIR All Hands Meeting
Read the newsletter

de.NBI establishes a COVID-19 task force

The task force will focus on human omics data management and international dissemination.
Find out more on the de.NBI website

Relevant Meeting | DTL Data Stewards Interest Group

15 September 2020 | 34.30 pm CEST, Online

Abigail Goben and Heather Coates, from the University of Illinois and the Indiana University-Purdue University, will present the outcomes of their recent article on foundational practices of research data management.
Register now

New WikiPahtways' web interface

SPARQL endpoint

WikiPathways has got a new web interface around the SPARQL endpoint. It supports multiple example queries, shows results as a table and allows CSV files downloads
Check it out

Updates from Platforms

Two new live deploys on BioSchemas

Scholia and BridgeDb

Scholia, a graphical user interface around Wikidata, has now deployed a live version with BioSchemas annotation for millions of proteins, genes, taxons, and molecular entities.
Discover the Scholia interface

The BioSchemas annotation of BridgeDb, a framework to map identifiers between various biological databases, has been approved and listed as live deployment.
Learn more about BridgeDb

Find out more about all ELIXIR's live deploys on BioSchemas
Go to BioSchemas-Live Deploys

Updates from other initiatives

Response to the public consultation on European data spaces

'Facilitating health research and protecting citizens'

The response to the public consultation, including ELIXIR's, on European data spaces has been published on the Life Science Research Infrastructures website

Download the full response

Upcoming ELIXIR events & webinars

ELIXIR Training Courses & Webinars

The ELIXIR TeSS portal has a variety of interesting events and courses organised by the ELIXIR Nodes. A link off to the TeSS portal

6th de.NBI Genomics training course

2 September 2020 | Online

Basic level | Differential analysis of quantitative proteomics data using R

2 November 2020 | Online

Advanced level | Differential analysis of quantitative proteomics data using R

9 November 2020 | Online

ELIXIR Events and Conferences

FAIR lesson global sprint 2020

2728 August | Online

19th European Conference on Computational Biology

31 August8 September 2020 | Online

EuroScience Open Forum

26 September 2020 | Trieste, Italy and Online

ELIXIR will present 'Open Data InfrastructureA Driver for Innovation Ecosystem' during the Science to business session (Track: Innovation Ecosystems).

ELIXIR's Virtual BioHackathon-Europe

913 November 2020 | Now Online

Registration deadline: 30 September 2020

Job vacancies

All vacancies are also published on the ELIXIR website (also including those from industry). If you need our help communicating your new open positions, you can submit a job advertisement and it will automatically appear on our newsletters. Go to our vacancy page to submit a job

Programmer / IT Specialist

Masaryk University

Postdoctoral researcher in cancer germline genetics at the Computational Biology group

Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS)

Programmer / IT Specialist

RECETOX and Loschmidt Laboratories

Bioinformatics Technician at the INB coordination node

Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS)

Bioinformatics Data Management Specialist at the INB coordination node

Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS) - part of ELIXIR-ES