Hub updates
The ELIXIR Board is holding its meeting in Utrecht, Netherlands, this week. Items on the agenda include:
- ELIXIR Node applications from new ELIXIR Member States
- ELIXIR Collaboration Agreements and Commissioned Service Contracts
- Revised ELIXIR Hub Budget and Work Plan for 2017
- Principles for ELIXIR Membership for Countries which are not members of ESFRI
Representatives from the ELIXIR Hub will have an exhibition booth at the FARR Institute 'Informatics for Health' conference, being held in Manchester, UK this week. Follow at #IforH2017
The International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium (IMPC) has issued a survey to better understand how to best serve the community and provide better service to users of the IMPC website. Complete the survey here.
Updates from Nodes
ELIXIR Italy will be running a two-day workshop on Computational Metagenomics: Methods, Standards and Experimental Procedures and Summer School in Advanced Computational Metagenomics in Bari, Italy, 19-23 June 2017. SIB will be holding a training course on Good practices for reproducible NGS analysis, in Lausanne, Switzerland on 23 May 2017 and a course on NGS - Genome variant analysis in Bern, Switzerland, 30 - 31 May 2017.
The latest news from the SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics are available in its April newsletter including the publication of the Institute's activity report SIB Profile 2017 and video interviews with SIB experts on the key role of the Institute in national and international personalized health projects. ELIXIR Netherlands has a number of BioSB courses coming up. For further details see the BioSB newsletter.
Updates from Use Cases
The recording from last week's webinar on the first ELIXIR Beacon study to establish GA4GH Beacons in ELIXIR Nodes is now available via the ELIXIR website.
Updates from Platforms
The presentations from the workshop on FAIR at the ELIXIR All Hands Meeting are now available. In total there were 70 participants on the WP5/WP11 workshop.
An ELIXIR BrAPI BYOD/hackathon, organized by ELIXIR Belgium and ELIXIR NL will take place in Ghent, Belgium, May 30 - June 1. The main aim of this event is to showcase the potential of FAIR data in the context of plant research and a hackathon on how to make the interoperability platform within the plant domain (BrAPI) FAIR reusing the general accepted MIAPPE standards and assessing data validation with ISA-TOOLS.
Further details to follow. Celia van Gelder (ELIXIR Netherlands) presented the ELIXIR Training Platform recently as part of the ELIXIR NL Track at the annual BioSB 2017 conference
Job board
The ELIXIR Hub is seeking a Chief Technical Officer, a Head of ELIXIR Project Management Unit and a Scientific Administrator (Administrative Officer) to join the team.
The Integrative Biomedical Informatics (IBI) at GRIB (IMIM-UPF, part of ELIXIR Spain) in Barcelona is seeking a Web Developer and a Database Manager to join their team.
ELIXIR Luxembourg is hiring Software Engineer to work on web-based knowledge management tools, bioinformatics analysis algorithms and GUI design and implementation. Another opening is for Science Manager to support the establishment and operation of the Node and manage its strategy development.
ELIXIR Belgium has three openings, for ELIXIR Trainer, Software Developer and for Data Science Cloud Coordinator.
Upcoming events
See the ELIXIR TeSS portal for all events organised by ELIXIR Nodes. ELIXIR events
25 April 2017 | Frankfurt, Germany
Strategic workshop "Future of Metabolomics in ELIXIR"
22-24 May 2017 | Cambridge, UK
ELIXIR/GOBLET/GTN hackathon for Galaxy training material re-use
30 May - 1 June 2017 | Ghent, Belgium
6-7 June 2017 | Barcelona, Spain
ELIXIR Innovation and SME Forum: Genomics, bioInformatics and health - Private-Public partnerships around open data
3-5 July 2017 | Cambridge, UK
EXCELERATE Train-the-Trainer in Clinical bioinformatics and best practices workshop