Hub updates
Invitation for nominations for ELIXIR Platform ExCo positions is now open. More information is available on the ELIXIR website.
The ELIXIR Bioinformatics Suppliers Forum is taking place on 7 May 2019 in London, UK. The registration closes this week.
The registration for the 2nd CORBEL Service Operator & User Meeting at EMBL in Heidelberg, on 1-2 October 2019 is open. You are also invited to help us shape the programme according to your interests and vote by 30 April on your favourite topic for the invited talk, followed by a panel discussion. Further information such as the preliminary agenda and hotel booking options.
Updates from Platforms
ELIXIR-EXCELERATE, in collaboration with ELIXIR Italy, is pleased to announce a Train the Trainer event, on 30-31 May in Padua, Italy. Candidates from ELIXIR nodes may apply for an ELIXIR Staff Exchange Programme Travel Grant when they fill their application form.
Updates from Communities
The Galaxy Training Network (GTN) is organizing online CoFests (Collaboration / Contribution Fests) every 3 months for a day of collaborative work on training content. The next one will be on 16 May. Anyone who would like to contribute is welcome to join. It will be coordinated via Hangout (drop-in channel to be kept open the whole day) and the GTN Gitter channel. More details are on the Galaxy website and the dedicated GitHub issue.
Updates from Nodes
Registration is now open for a brand new course on Managing single cell transcriptomics data, held at EMBL-EBI, Hinxton on 3-5 July 2019. The workshop aims to focus on how to generate high quality data and metadata, which follow the FAIR principles. The deadline for registration is 31 May 2019.
Registrations are still open for the Docker and Reproducibility Course, organised by ELIXIR Italy at the University of Turin, on 13-14 June 2019.
Registrations are open for two ELIXIR training courses taking place in May in Ghent, Belgium. The trainers are Mateusz Kuzak, Toby Hodges.
- Introduction to Reproducible Genomics: Data Carpentry, 13-14 May
- Best practises in Research Software, 15 May
Registrations are open for one Data Carpentry course organised by De Duve Institute in collaboration with ELIXIR Belgium on 20-21 May in Woluw, Belgium.
Registration open for BioSB course: Algorithms for Genomics, on 1-5 July 2019 in Delft, Netherlands. (ELIXIR Portugal) is organising Cool Tools for Science meeting on 29 May 2019 in Lisbon. The event will present innovations by researchers and how they improved research performance.
Another event in Portugal is taking place on 6 May 2019 in Oeiras: Business Forum: Advanced data management for added value.
Job board
All vacancies are also published on the ELIXIR website vacancies section (also including vacancies from industry). Submit vacancies from your Node or industry partners.
The SFI Centre for Research Training in Genomics Data Science (part of ELIXIR Ireland) is offering PhD fellowships in genomics data science.
The Instituto Gulbenkian de Cincia (part of ELIXIR Portugal) is welcoming applications for a Research Fellowship within the project " Infraestrutura Portuguesa de Dados Biolgicos.
The CNAG-CRG is looking for a Front-end developer to work on the RD-Connect Genome Phenome Analysis Platfor as part of the European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases.
The CNAG-CRG is looking for a software engineer to participate in the development tasks of the RD-Connect Genome-Phenome Analysis Platform
IRB Barcelona seeks to recruit a Software Developer to join the lab of Dr.Nria Lpez-Bigas, Barcelona Biomedical Genomics Lab.
ELIXIR Luxembourg is looking for Research Associate in the field of clinical and translational medicine informatics.
Upcoming events
The ELIXIR TeSS portal has a variety of interesting events and courses organised by the ELIXIR Nodes.
ELIXIR events
ELIXIR Board meeting
17-20 June 2019 | Lisbon, Portugal
ELIXIR All Hands meeting