Weekly Brief 23 April 2018

Hub updates

The ELIXIR Board is holding its 2018 Spring meeting in Tel Aviv, Israel. More information about the discussions and outcomes will be available later this week.

Joana Wingender has started last week at the ELIXIR Hub as ELIXIR Administrative Officer, You can reach Joanna at joana.wingender@elixir-europe.org.

CORBEL launches its 2nd Open Call to give scientists opportunity to gain access to multiple research infrastructures and their services across the broad field of biological and medical sciences.

StandICT.eu, a Horizon 2020 project is launching an Open Call, an opportunity to apply for grants available to support experts involved In ICT standardisation activities. More information online.

Applications for the Force11 Scholarly Communications Institute, to be held July 30 - August 3 in San Diego, California, are now being accepted. Anyone intending to attend may submit an application for complimentary tuition or limited travel support.

The BBRMI-ERIC is organising a webinar GDPR and Health Research, taking place on 25 April 2018 at 14:00 CEST.

Updates from Platforms

The Training Platform held a workshop Applying bioinformatics and data science competency frameworks to ELIXIR Training in Amsterdam, from 4-6 April. 25 participants, both from within and outside of ELIXIR discussed the state of the art of the work on bioinformatics and data science competency frameworks. It was is the kick-off of the ELIXIR Implementation Study on Learning Paths. In several breakout sessions, the particpants worked on defining the use cases that will be tackled in the Implementation Study, their respective training needs, and how to describe these within the competencies and KSA framework. For each use case, champions have been identified, together they will take the next steps in defining the learning paths, which will also be implemented in TeSS. Slides and posters are available online.

ELIXIR Training will be presented at the CarpentryCon in Dublin, Ireland on 30 May 1 June, with a flash talks and a n exhibition booth.

ELIXIR Training is involved in the organizing of two events in Trieste in August 2018:

Updates from Nodes

Read the latest news from SIB (Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics -ELIXIR Switzerland) in the April Issue of the SIB Newsletter.

Registration open for the Summer School on Graphical Models: From Mathematical Foundations to Biological Applications, 25-29 June, Basel, Switzerland
ELIXIR Germany is co-organising a training course A primer for RNA-Seq processing, interpreting and visualization on 27-29 June in Jena, Germany.
ELIXIR France is happy to announce the Summer School in Bioinformatic and Biostatistic tools in Medical Genomics. Paris Area, France. From 25-29 June. Register now.
The European HPC Summit Week 2018 in Ljubljana, Slovenia, offers a wide variety of workshops on supercomputing and HPC technologies and infrastructures including workshop prepared by ELIXIR Spain and ELIXIR Slovenia. Registration is open until 7 May.

Job board

ELIXIR Hub is looking for Operations Support Officer to implement a range of process developments for managing and reporting on the technical programme.

CSC (ELIXIR Finland) is looking for a DevOps specialist to develop and operate CSC's container clouds.

ELIXIR Norway is looking for two Senior Engineers to join the Node development team at the University of Oslo.

ELIXIR Belgium is looking for Data Scientist to support integration of ELIXIR resources with its plant phenotyping software platform.

Upcoming events

The ELIXIR TeSS portal has a variety of interesting events and courses organised by the ELIXIR Nodes.

ELIXIR events

11 April 2018
ELIXIR Webinar: Proteome Implementation Study

17 April 2018
CORBEL Webinar: Single sign-on for Life Science services

24-25 April 2018 | Tel Aviv
ELIXIR Board meeting

4-7 June 2018 | Berlin, Germany
ELIXIR All Hands meeting, Deadline for registration: 21 April 2018!

12-13 November 2018 | Ljubljana, Slovenia
ELIXIR Board meeting