Sowing the seeds of collaboration in the agritech sector
From the 10-12 March ELIXIR hosted the virtual Innovation and SME Forum on Data-driven Innovation in the Agritech sector. The event was hugely successful and highlighted the importance of FAIR data in the context of precision agriculture and plant breeding.
Read the full news release
ELIXIR Hub welcomes new Communities Coordinator
We'd like to welcome Katharina Heil as the new ELIXIR Communities Coordinator. Katharina joins us from the University of Barcelona where she worked as a scientific project manager on the euCanSHare and EarlyCause projects. Should you like to reach out to welcome Katharina her contact email is
Submit your BioHackathon project proposal
Deadline next week: 1 April
The deadline to submit your project proposal for this year's BioHackathon Europe is rapidly approaching. Make sure you don't miss out on your opportunity to collaborate and network with a diverse community of bioinformaticians! See our recommended reads of the week for some project inspiration.
Submit your project proposal
Recommended reads of the week
3DBIONOTES: A unified, enriched and interactive view of macromolecular information
[...] In this work we present a new web platform that integrates EMDB/PDB structures and UniProt sequences with different sources of protein annotations. The application provides an interactive interface linking sequence and structure, including EM maps, presenting the different sources of information at sequence and structural level. The web application is available at
Continue reading...
Progress on Data Stewardship Wizard during BioHackathon Europe 2020
We used the Virtual BioHackathon Europe 2020 to work on a number of projects for improvement of the data stewardship wizard: [...] We worked on supporting the Horizon 2020 Data Management Plan Template, Several new integrations were made, e.g. to ROR and Wikidata, we made a draft plan for supporting multiple languages and we implemented many suggestions for improvement of the knowledge model that had been suggested to us over the past.
Continue reading... Updates from Nodes
Please fill out the EMBL-EBI Impact Survey
EMBL-EBI have launched a survey to evaluate the impact of their open data resources. If you need any more motivation aside from a warm fuzzy feeling from doing something good, we at ELIXIR will also benefit from the outputs of this survey so please take the time to fill it in!
Deadline 31 March
Fill in the survey Updates from Platforms
Submit Data Platform Implementation Study proposals
Deadline next Wednesday
Call for Scalable Curation Implementation Study Proposals now open! The call aims to improve data resource management across ELIXIR. Deadline 31 March.
View details and submit your proposal
Biodiversity Informatics Standards Consortium webinar on Bioschemas
The Biodiversity Informatics Standards Consortium (TDWG) has published the recording of the first on their webinar series on Bioschemas markup for web-scale integration presented by Franck Michel.
Watch the video here
Updates from Communities
Call for new co-lead of the Federated Human Data Community
llkka Lappalainen (ELIXIR-FI) will stand down from co-lead of the ELIXIR Federated Human Data Community. We would like to thank Ilkka for his time, enthusiasm, and hard work during his time as co-lead.
We are opening up a period for self-nomination. Candidates should submit a short statement of their background and what they believe they will bring to the role.
Deadline 31 March.
Submit nominations to
Galaxy hosts their largest ever training event
Smrgsbord: A Global Galaxy Course was a collaborative event organised by Saskia Hiltemann and Helena Rasche from the ErasmusMC (an ELIXIR-NL partner) as part of the Gallantries and CINECA projects. What was originally planned as an face-to-face event for 20 people, the virtual event attracted close to 1,200 registrations.
Read all about this wonderful event.
Galaxy advanced features webinar series
24 March 2021 | Online, 5 pm CET
Join us for the next and final Galaxy advanced features webinar on "Speed up your data analysis with Galaxy: Features no one knows about".
Find all details and register
Updates from Focus Groups
Health Data Focus Group workshop
31 March 2021 | 10:00-13:00 CET | Online The purpose of this workshop is to understand the status of each ELIXIR Node with respect to their normal (business as usual) health data research related activities and how they have responded to the COVID-19 pandemic, to find commonalities and gaps across ELIXIRs Nodes. All welcome.
View the full agenda and register
Health Data Focus Group general meeting
25 March 2021 | 15:00 CET | Online
Special presentation from Maxim Moinat, from The Hyve, on the EHDEN project, including the OHDSI, and the OMOP model. All welcome.
Agenda and connection details
Other research infrastructure updates
Register for the Exchange of Experience workshop on remote access.
As part of the WP9 training portfolio, Instruct-ERIC and Euro-BioImaging ERIC are organising a one-day Exchange of Experience workshop on Remote Access.
Deadline 31 March.
Register here
Upcoming ELIXIR events & webinars
ELIXIR Training Courses & Webinars
The ELIXIR TeSS portal has a variety of interesting events and courses organised by the ELIXIR Nodes. A link off to the TeSS portal
Galaxy-ELIXIR webinars series: Advanced Features
3-24 March 2021 | Online, 5 pm CET every Wednesday
Women in Bioinformatics | Careers lecture series
27 April - 20 July 2021 | Online
ELIXIR Events and Conferences
Innovation and SME Forum: Building the learning ecosystem of health: from data tracking to preventive medicine
1315 September 2021 | Online
Job vacancies
All vacancies are also published on the ELIXIR website (also including those from industry). If you need our help communicating your new open positions, you can submit a job advertisement and it will automatically appear on our newsletters. Go to our vacancy page to submit a job
Data Stewardship Content Developer and Trainer
University of Bradford
Data Stewardship Training and Community Manager
University of Bradford
Senior Bioinformatician
Postdoctoral research associate (m/f/d) Biodiversity informatics
Postdoctoral Fellow at the Structural Genomics Group of CNAG-CRG
Centre for Genomic Regulation