Weekly Brief, 21 October 2019

Hub updates

We are pleased to announce that the call for presentations and workshops for the ELIXIR 2020 All Hands meeting is now open.

Thank you to all that attended the webinars we held last week, to the presenters and to our co-hosts the Pistoia Alliance.

  • The slides and recording of the presentation on the ELIXIR Beacon & Beacon Network as a service are now available on the ELIXIR website.
  • Slides and recording for the Application of recently developed FAIR metrics to the ELIXIR Core Data Resources webinar will be uploaded to the Pistoia Alliance website shortly.

We're hiring at the Hub! We have a 12 month maternity cover vacancy for ELIXIR Communications Officer. Please share with your colleagues. Deadline 14 November 2019.

Missed out on our latest Innovation and SME forum 'Distributed data analysis - the (health) data train' in Utrecht last week? Then take a look at our latest industry news release for the event highlights.

Another reminder that the deadline for funding for the ELIXIR Staff Exchange Programme is Wednesday 30 October 2019. This programme supports exchange of staff between ELIXIR Nodes for short periods of time, (<6 months), or for a series of shorter trips. Budget is up to 15,000.

Atos are hosting a course: Quantum Computing and the Virtual Human Project programme. If you are interested in attending please contact Natalia Jimenez for further information.

Updates from Communities

DNAstack have launched Clinical Evidence Beacons, extending from the GA4GH approved Beacon standard, as detailed in their latest news release.

We're pleased to announce the publication of the Intrinsically Disordered Protein (IDP) community's white paper in the ELIXIR F1000 channel.

FAIDARE, the Plant Data Lookup service, is now fully operational both with Phenotyping and Genotyping data! Five data repositories from EBI, INRA, VIB, CIRAD and iBET are connected to this service, and others from Europe and beyond will be available soon.

BrAPI, the plant Breeding API, has a new publication out in Bioinformatics: BrAPI-an application programming interface for plant breeding applications.

Updates from Platforms

Join the Compute Platform at their face-to-face meeting in Luxembourg 26 - 27 November 2019. This event will be co-located and follows the parallel EOSC Life WP5 (Identity Management) and WP7 (Cloud) meetings on 25-26 Nov 2019. Please see the agenda and register to join - deadline 17:00 CEST 18 November 2019 (please note registration for EOSC events are separate).

This week the ELIXIR Data Platform (EDP) held a face-to-face meeting at the Wellcome Genome Campus, where those involved in the four EDP Tasks for the 2019-2021 programme discussed the plans for the Platform. Beginning in the new year, the Data Platform will be holding quarterly telephone conference calls, which will be publicised via the data@elixir-europe.org email group.

We are delighted to announce a Memorandum of Understanding between FAIRsharing and DataCite to identify a set of criteria for the recommendation of research data repositories for the benefit of the broader research community. This project will be used to improve the recommendations that FAIRsharing provides to journal publisher and funder policy makers.

Updates from Nodes

Are you attending ICSB in Japan this year? De.NBI are hosting a full day satellite workshop on 31 October - "COMBINE & de.NBI Tutorial: Modelling and simulation tools in systems biology" with an impressive speaker lineup and agenda that still has a few spots remaining for free registration.

EMBL-EBI have launched a new sister resource to the GWAS catalog for Polygenic scores - the PGS Catalog. As a new resource, they are seeking input into how to develop the resource to meet user needs. Please fill in and share their survey. You can find out more from this twitter thread.

Job board

All vacancies are also published on the ELIXIR website vacancies section(also including vacancies from industry). Submit vacancies from your Node or industry partners.

Project manager

BBMRI-ERIC ELSI Services Officer

ELIXIR Communications Officer (maternity cover)

Postdoc Protein Structural Biologist
Masaryk University

Upcoming events

The ELIXIR TeSS portal has a variety of interesting events and courses organised by the ELIXIR Nodes.

ELIXIR events