Weekly Brief 21 May 2018

Hub updates


The ELIXIR webinar this week will present an the ELIXIR AAI Permissions API and demonstrate how it is used to manage access to sensitive human data in EGA. Wednesday 23 May at 14.00 CEST.

EU General Data Protection Regulation


With the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) coming into force on 25 May, the ELIXIR Hub GDPR Working Group have been reviewing and updating the ELIXIR Hub personal data and privacy policies.

You will keep your subscription to all internal mailing lists, such as this ELIXIR Weekly Brief or Platforms' and Use Cases' mailing lists. We will hold your email for as long as the ELIXIR groups you are involved in are active, you can review your membership in ELIXIR groups on the intranet (My profile section). You can unsubscribe from receiving the ELIXIR Weekly Brief online. If you wish to unsubscribe from all or any of the groups, contact us at info@elixir-europe.org.

For details on the activities of the ELIXIR Hub GDPR Working Group's contact us at info@elixir-europe.org.

Updates from Platforms


The Interoperability Platform has launched call for the Recommended Interoperability Resource (RIR) Selection. All ELIXIR Resources providing FAIR service are eligible to apply for the consideration to become ELIXIR RIR. Submission period is from 1 June to 16 July 2018. All applications are subject to Hub-organised review process. Candidate RIRs are expected to be approved by HoNs at December meeting in Brussel. Submission process webinar will be held on 11 June 2018 at 15.00 UK time. Contact Sirarat Sarntivijai (sirarat.sarntivijai@elixir-europe.org) for more information.

The Call for Abstracts for oral communications for the 18th NETTAB Workshop Building a FAIR Bioinformatics environment has been extended to 3 June 2018.


ELIXIR Finland (CSC-IT Center for Science) has released the open source code for REMS, the authorisation tool in the ELIXIR AAI toolkit with MIT License. Contact tommi.jalkanen@csc.fi for more information.


University of Cambridge and EMBL-EBI are launching the Postgraduate Certificate in Biocuration at the University of Cambridge. Starting in October 2018, it is the first formal educational qualification in the field of Biocuration.

Updates from Use Cases


ELIXIR - GA4GH BoF Session at the ELIXIR All Hands takes place on Wednesday 6 June 2018 at 12:30 CEST. The main aim of the session is to discuss some of our shared GA4GH activities within ELIXIR and explore opportunities to coordinate and disseminate our GA4GH activities within ELIXIR and beyond. If you or any of your colleagues undertake ELIXIR-funded GA4GH activities within you Node, we would be very grateful if you could indicate this via this ELIXIR GA4GH engagement survey spreadsheet. Please indicate whether your work is part of an ELIXIR Platform, Community, Implementation Studies etc. and which GA4GH Workstream activity you are participating in. The survey will close on 5 June 2018 23:59 CEST.

Updates from Nodes

EMBL-EBI is organising training course Bioinformatics for Plant Biology on 6-9 November 2018 in Hinxton, UK, The registration is now open.

Job board

ELIXIR Hub is looking for Operations Support Officer to implement a range of process developments for managing and reporting on the technical programme.

ELIXIR Sweden is looking for one or two agile system developers to join the SciLifeLab team at the Uppsala University.

The EMBL-EBI Training team is looking for an Scientifc Project Officer for a six-month period to support the EU-funded projects BioExcel and CORBEL.

Upcoming events

The ELIXIR TeSS portal has a variety of interesting events and courses organised by the ELIXIR Nodes.

ELIXIR events

16 May 2018
ELIXIR Webinar on the Sustainability Implementation Study

23 May 2018
ELIXIR Webinar: Access to Sensitive Human Data with the ELIXIR AAI

4-7 June 2018 | Berlin, Germany
ELIXIR All Hands meeting

13 June 2018
ELIXIR Webinar on the Systems Biology Implementation Study

6-10 July 2018, Chicago, USA
ISMB 2018 (including ELIXIR Session on 10 July)

8-12 September | Athens, Greece
ECCB 2018 (including ELIXIR Application Track)

12-13 November 2018 | Ljubljana, Slovenia
ELIXIR Board meeting

12-16 November 2018 | Paris, France
ELIXIR Biohackathon