Hub Updates
Today is the kick-off of the IMI2 project FAIRplus. The goal of the project is to increase the discovery, accessibility and reusability of data from selected projects funded by the EUs Innovative Medicine Initiative (IMI), and internal data from pharmaceutical industry partners. The project is led by the ELIXIR Hub and Janssen (PIs are Serena Scollen and Herman van Vlijmen) and will run for three and a half years. More information: Follow the project on twitter: @FAIRplus_eu
Every year the European Biotech Week is organised by Europa Bio to celebrate biotechnology with a weeklong series of events. If you are aware of any events that are organised in the context of the European Biotech Week from the 23-29 September 2019 by your Node, please get in contact with Kathi at
From now on you can post job vacancies directly to ELIXIR website by filling in an online form. You can either post vacancies at ELIXIR Nodes or in Industry. The posted job will also be included in the ELIXIR Weekly Brief.
Following the end of her contract at ELIXIR Hub, Dana Cernoskova has set up her own company Scientifika and will be supporting ELIXIR Hub in organising the ELIXIR SME and Innovation Fora, the ELIXIR All Hands meeting and other major events. You can reach her at:
Platform updates
The Interoperability Platform is holding a Face-to-Face meeting on 1-2 April 2019 in Cambridge, UK. Highlights include Interoperability services for the Communities use cases, and building support for the national Nodes. All ELIXIR members are welcome. Registration is now open and will close on 28 February 2019, or when the venue is at its full capacity.
Updates from Nodes
On February 7 and 8, DTL & ELIXIR Netherlands, in collaboration with ELIXIR France, UK and Germany, are organising an event Boost Your Visibility Improving F of FAIR for Dutch Training and Data Resources through Bioschemas in Utrecht, the Netherlands. The registration is now open.
Applications are open until 25 January 2019 for the ELIXIR Finland course Single cell RNA-seq data analysis with Chipster which takes place in Espoo, Finland, on 14-15 March 2019.
As part of the EXCELERATE-ELIXIR-Carpentries agreement, ELIXIR Italy will host two events:
- ELIXIR Data Carpentry for Ecology on February 14-15 at the University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy. Course attendance is free of charge.
- ELIXIR Software Carpentry Workshop (Unix shell, version control with Git and R programming language) on February 11-12 at the National Research Council in Naples, Italy. Course attendance is free of charge.
ELIXIR Italy is also organising a course Single Cell RNA Sequencing and Data Analysis on 7-10 May 2019 at the Telethon Institute of Genetics and Medicine (TIGEM), Italy.
Job board
ELIXIR Belgium is opening a couple of positions, all based in Gent at the Flemish Institute for Biotechnology (VIB):
- ELIXIR Data Steward
- ELIXIR Open Science Community Manager
- ELIXIR Scientific Cloud Coordinator
- Software developer cloud data processing
- ELIXIR Software developer data management tools
- ELIXIR Bioinformatics Trainer
ELIXIR Luxembourg is hiring Research Associate in the field of clinical and translational medicine informatics (postdoctoral position) to support the ELIXIR coordinated IMI project FAIRPlus.
IRB Barcelona (part of ELIXIR Spain) is currently looking to hire a talented and highly motivated Postdoctoral Researcher to join the Structural Bioinformatics and Network Biology group.
The Barcelona Supercomputing Center (part of ELIXI Spain) is looking for a highly motivated Research Engineer to join the Computational Genomics group.
The Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (part of ELIXIR Netherlands) has an open tenure track position in Bioinformatics or Statistical Machine Learning. Applications need to be received by 19 December 2018.
Upcoming events
The ELIXIR TeSS portal has a variety of interesting events and courses organised by the ELIXIR Nodes.
ELIXIR events
ELIXIR Innovation and SME event: Genomics and Associated Data in National Healthcare Initiatives