This week's highlights
A new Biocuration Focus Group at ELIXIR
ELIXIR has launched the Biocuration Focus Group with the collaboration from the International Society for Biocuration (ISB). This Focus Group will provide the supporting mechanism to drive the scientific theme in the ELIXIR Scientific Programme, and widen the applicability of ELIXIR activities to data resource developers/operators across the Nodes. This Focus Group is open to the public and everyone at ELIXIR.
Please help us choose a date for the kick-off meeting by filling out this doodle poll
Find out more about the Focus Group and sign up for the mailing list
Don't miss this week's webinar from the 3D Bioinfo Community
Tomorrow - 21 September 2021 | 15:00 CEST
Join us for the second webinar in the 3DBioinfo Community's series. Includes speakers from VIB (Belgium), Fox Chase Cancer Centre (USA) and Weizmann Institute (Israel).
Full details and registration
Recommended reads of the week
BioContainers Registry: Searching Bioinformatics and Proteomics Tools, Packages, and Containers
BioContainers is an open-source project that aims to create, store, and distribute bioinformatics software containers and packages. The BioContainers community has developed a set of guidelines to standardize software containers including the metadata, versions, licenses, and software dependencies. Here we introduce the BioContainers Registry and Restful API to make containerised bioinformatics tools more findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable (FAIR).
Minimal information for chemosensitivity assays (MICHA): a next-generation pipeline to enable the FAIRification of drug screening experiments
An EOSC-Life and EATRIS paper
Chemosensitivity assays are commonly used for preclinical drug discovery and clinical trial optimization. However, data from independent assays are often discordant, largely attributed to uncharacterized variation in the experimental materials and protocols. We report here the launching of Minimal Information for Chemosensitivity Assays (MICHA), accessed via
Updates from Communities
Deadline today to submit nominations to co-lead the new Food and Nutrition Community
Deadline: Today! We're looking for two co-leads to join Jildau Bouwman (ELIXIR-NL) to lead this Community. The Community is opening a self-nomination system: candidates should submit a short statement of their background and what they believe they will bring to the role.
For any questions or to submit nominations, message Katharina Heil
Updates from Nodes
New automated workflow reuses and enriches data from ENA into GBIF
Building on a successful collaboration between ELIXIR, EMBL-EBI and GBIF that improved connections between metagenomics and species occurrence data, the ENA and GBIF have collaborated further to develop a new pipeline.
This automated process enables GBIF to reuse, translate and consolidate existing data from the International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration (INSDC) directly from two of ENA's APIs. This enables GBIF to link DNA-derived records with voucher specimens and therefore making both datasets more valuable.
Read more
Read the latest IFB newsletter
The IFB have just released their latest newsletter - take a look to find out about their major projects ABRomics and EMERGEN, international initiatives, job opportunities and much more.
Read the newsletter
Updates from other initiatives
Join the GA4GH 9th Plenary Meeting
28 - 29 September 2021 | Virtual
As an open, free, and virtual event, this meeting aims to convene the global genomics and health community to advance genomic and related health data sharing across technical, ethical, and regulatory bounds. The meeting will occur over the course of two daily time blocks convenient to different time zones to encourage broad participation. All talks will be available online after the meeting.
Register for 9th Plenary here
For those unfamiliar with the work of GA4GH they are also hosting a webinar GA4GH 101 on 21 September
Register for GA4GH 101 Webinar
Join the PhasAGE International Conference
12 - 14 October 2021 | Virtual
The Phase Transitions in Ageing and Age-Related Disorders (PhasAGE) project are hosting an international conference to showcase achievements in the field of liquid-liquid phase separation in ageing and late-onset diseases. Registration deadline 1 October, registration fee waiver available for early career researchers with selected abstracts.
Upcoming ELIXIR events & webinars
ELIXIR Training Courses & Webinars
The ELIXIR TeSS portal has a variety of interesting events and courses organised by the ELIXIR Nodes. For more, visit the TeSS portal.
3D-Bioinfo Community Webinar: Open resources for sharing, integrating and benchmarking software tools for modelling the Interactive in 3D
21 September 2021 | 15:00 CEST
SIB & ELIXIR-CONVERGE workshop: Research Data Management and Data Management Plan 28 - 29 October 2021 | Lausanne, Switzerland
de.NBI: 3rd metaRbolomics Hackathon
22 - 24 November 2021 | Lutherstadt, Germany
de.NBI: LIFS Training Session at ILS2021 & Lipidomics Forum 2021
5 October 2021 | Regensburg, Germany
SIB: Reproducible research and data analysis using Nextflow pipelines
15-18 November 2021 | Virtual
ELIXIR Events and Conferences
BioHackathon Europe 2021
8-12 November 2021 | Hybrid Barcelona, Spain
Job vacancies
All vacancies are also published on the ELIXIR website (also including those from industry). If you need our help communicating your new open positions, you can submit a job advertisement and it will automatically appear on our newsletters. Go to our vacancy page to submit a job
Senior Engineer, Bioinformatics Service
Oslo University Hospital / ELIXIR Norway
Temporary outreach programme support at INB/ELIXIR-ES coordination node
Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS)
Application Development and Deployment Engineer
(Senior) Data Steward / Research and Development specialist
ELIXIR-Luxembourg / Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine
Data Steward / Research and Development specialist
ELIXIR-Luxembourg / Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine