Weekly Brief, 20 January 2020

Hub updates

We're delighted to welcome two new staff members at the ELIXIR hub.

  • Arshiya Merchant (arshiya.merchant@elixir-europe.org) joined the Human Genomics and Translational Data (HGTD) team as Human Data Scientific Officer on the 6 January. Arshiya will be contributing to policy related work required to help ensure ELIXIR's Human Data infrastructure can impact the translation of genomics into medicine, initially focussing on deliverables for EUSTANDS4PM.
  • Xènia Pérez Sitjà (xenia.sitja@elixir-europe.org) joins the External Relations team as Communications Officer today. Xènia will be taking over Erin's role for the duration of her maternity leave, working on newsletters, news releases, social media, ELIXIR literature amongst other things.

The programme for the next ELIXIR Innovation and SME Forum: Data driven innovation in the agritech sector is now complete. The event is to be held at the Bayer Life Hub in Lyon, France on the 24 - 25 March 2020. Please share the event with your colleagues, we also have some posters available for promotion of the event.

Updates from Platforms

Announcing funding for training courses

The ELIXIR Training Platform Task 2 WP3 is now to open the application to fund (around 2000 Euro each) up to 10 established training events for 2020.

The objective for the "delivering of training - Task2 WP3" is to scale-up existing training to Nodes that do not yet have the capacity within a specific life science or bioinformatics topic. An added value would be to increase the network and exchange between Nodes (pairing between a host Node and delivering Node).
Applications open 22 January and closes 17 February

The criterias for applying:
Training should lie within the top five areas identified as gaps from the recent ELIXIR surveys and/or a demand from any of ELIXIR communities and/or as training that was set-up and funded from the EXCELERATE program (see below).
NOTE! Survey showed different demands for different countries and this will be taken into consideration.
  • Data management
  • Software management
  • Data stewardship
  • Machine learning
  • Single-cell omics
  • ELIXIR Community targeting training
  • EXCELERATE funded courses/training

The Host node i.e. the node in demand of the training, have identified a gap in trainers and/or material for the specific training event,
The Host node has identified and approached/discussed with a node having the capacity with regards to trainers to deliver the training/material (Delivering node).
There need to be an exchange from node to node (host node and delivering node)
Any questions please contact Pascal Kahlem pkahlem@googlemail.com or Jessica Lindvall (ELIXIR-SE) jessica.lindvall@nbis.se.

Job board

All vacancies are also published on the ELIXIR website vacancies section(also including vacancies from industry). Submit vacancies from your Node or industry partners.

Postdoctoral researcher in high-throughput transcriptomics
Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS)

System Developer
Elixir Norway

Natural Language Processing Engineer position at the Integrative Biomedical Informatics group
Research Programme on Biomedical Informatics (GRIB)

Bioinformatician / Computational biologist at the Computational Genomics group
Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS) and Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona)

Upcoming webinars

CINECA webinar: Ethical, legal, and societal issues in international data sharing
24 January 2020 | 13:30 - 14:30 CET

Upcoming ELIXIR events

The ELIXIR TeSS portal has a variety of interesting events and courses organised by the ELIXIR Nodes.

ELIXIR events

FAIRplus Innovation and SME Forum: Implementing FAIR data principles in industrial life science research
29 January 2020 | Hinxton, Cambridge, UK

ELIXIR Train-the-Trainer course
5 - 6 March 2020 | Thessaloniki, Greece

RNA-seq and single cell RNA-seq course
9 - 13 March 2020 | Turin, Italy

SIB are hosting a number of courses with Damian Conway all in Lausanne, Switzerland with nearing registration deadlines.

Innovation and SME Forum: Data Driven Innovation in the Agritech Sector
24 -25 March 2020 | Lyon, France

EMBO Practical Course: Population Genomics: Background, tools, and programming
1 - 8 April 2020 | Napoli, Italy