Weekly Brief, 2 December 2019

Hub updates

Many thanks to all who submitted an abstract for the ELIXIR All Hands 2020 meeting in Amsterdam. The final total of submissions was 170, which exceeded our expectations, and the Program Committee will now be working to finalise the agenda for the meeting in time for early February when registration opens.

We have recently updated the ELIXIR GDPR webpage with new information. Updates include details on the ELIXIR-NL/DTL Data stewards interest group amongst other updates. If you have any additional content you think will be of use then please do get in touch info@elixir-europe.org.

Updates from Communities

Galaxy have loaded fully consented genome sequences from 10 individuals from the Personal Genomes Project (PGP) along with transcriptomic and methylomic data in collaboration with PGP to facilitate training within the platform. These data are open and available to be looked at within Galaxy and please feedback to bjoern.gruening@gmail.com if you require specific analysis on this data.

Updates from Platforms

The Tools Platform F2F registration is now open and will take place 27th-29th Jan 2020 at the Pasteur Institute and incorporates a F2F meeting on 29th Jan for the Strategic Implementation Study on Containers.

The ELIXIR Tools Platform published a paper "Towards FAIR principles for research software". The paper analyses how FAIR principles can be applied to software, as opposed to data. It also explores whether existing FAIR principles can be applied directly to software, or where they need to be adapted or reinterpreted. This publication coincides with the launch of fair-software.nl website, which provides recommendations on ways to improve the quality and reproducibility of software.

The programme of SIB training courses for 2020 is now online. Over 20 courses are already planned, and lots more are yet to come! The topics covered span areas such as NGS and other omics data analysis, single-cell, statistics, programming, machine learning, and several SIB resources.

The new GOBLET Executive Board, consisting of 6 members was elected this September 2019 at the GOBLET AGM2019 which was co-located with InCoB2019 in Jakarta. Three of the GOBLET Exec members are from ELIXIR:
  • Eija Korpelainen (ELIXIR-FI)
  • Domenica D'Elia (ELIXIR-IT)
  • Celia van Gelder (ELIXIR-NL)

Updates from Nodes

Women researchers gathered together to discuss the latest advances in artificial intelligence, big data and other technologies used in biomedical research at the Advances in Computational Biology Conference held in Barcelona last week 28 - 29 November. You can view the programme here and follow what went on at the event with the hashtag #AdvCompBio and account @Bioinfo4Women.

Updates from Research Infrastructures

Registration is open for the CORBEL Final Open Meeting that will take place on 2 March 2020 in Florence, Italy. The one-day meeting will be open to European scientists from the biological and medical field, potential users of the CORBEL common services as well as other stakeholders generally interested in CORBEL and the European LS RIs.

Meeting information, Registration link, Registration deadline: 13 February 2020.

The final CORBEL meeting will be organised back-to-back with the 1st Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the EOSC-Life project on 3-4 March 2020.

Job board

All vacancies are also published on the ELIXIR website vacancies section(also including vacancies from industry). Submit vacancies from your Node or industry partners.

Bioinformatician at the Cancer Genomics Research group
Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona) - part of ELIXIR-ES


Upcoming events

The ELIXIR TeSS portal has a variety of interesting events and courses organised by the ELIXIR Nodes.

ELIXIR events