Weekly Brief, 19 October 2020

Celebrate the Open Access Week with us


This week is the Open Access Weekan annual event focused on open access and related topics. It takes place globally during the last full week of October. The 10th Open Access Week builds a unique momentum to advance policy changes, stimulate the research community or reach the general public.

Get involved. Your participation can be as simple or complex as you want. From creating a Think Tank to sharing your support on social media.

Follow ELIXIR's posts on social media with #ELIXIROAweek. And tag us to let us know how you support Open Access locally.
Download the banner and start sharing

TOMORROW | First online meeting

Communications Group

The ELIXIR Communications Group will be meeting tomorrow afternoon for the first time to find gaps, share ideas, build a strong network of communicators and to draw the agenda and priorities of the Communications Group for the coming months.

If you are responsible for the communications at your Node and you haven't received an invitation:

Tip of the week

Did you know you can use our ELIXIR coordinated backgrounds for your Zoom calls?
Orange or Blue?

Download the Zoom backgrounds

Updates from Nodes

ELIXIR DE | Join the de.NBI industry forum

26 November 2020 | Online

The annual meeting of the de.NBI (ELIXIR-DE) industry forum will take place online and is open to all interested scientists or companies.
Register now

Professionalising data stewardship

Competences, training and education

At last week's FAIRsFAIR workshop on FAIR competences for higher education, DTL/ELIXIR-NL gave a presentation on professionalising data stewardship (competences, training and education). The workshop was part of the FAIRsFAIR work on skills and training.
View the presentation
Read more about the FAIRsFAIR workshop

Maastricht University participates in EpiLipidNET COST action

New pan-European network

EpiLipidNET COST action, which started on 13 October, will run for four years to create a pan-European network of researchers, clinicians and enterprises working in the field of lipidomics and epilipidomics. It includes five interactive working groups around analytical methods, computational approaches, clinical significance and applications, lipid signalling and mechanisms of action, and dissemination and outreach.
Find out more about EpiLipidNET COST action

ELIXIR-PT | Article in Frontiers in Plant Sciences

'The chloroplast land plant phylogeny: analyses employing better-fitting tree- and site-heterogeneous composition models'

Cymon Cox, the Marine Metagenomics Community coordinator from ELIXIR-PT, recently published an article in Frontiers in Plant Science. The study was partially supported by CRESC Algarve 2020 through the BioDataPT project.

Read the full article

ELIXIR-UK launches two new working groups

These two groups aim to bring together researchers from ELIXIR-UK member organisations across the UK. Their objective is to foster collaboration and enable researchers working in training and data management to produce informative materials for ELIXIR-UK and the wider community.

Updates from Communities

White Paper from the ELIXIR Human Copy Number Variations Community

Building bioinformatics infrastructure for research

The hCNV White Paper is now published on F1000 Research
Read it. Download it. Share it

Your feedback needed | Sequence and structure data visualisation survey

Deadline is tomorrow

The 3D-BioInfo Community wants to assess the current state of common visualisation tools and practices. Responses will help identify common visualisation practices for displaying structural and functional annotations, and gaps that could form the basis of future work in the community.
Go to the survey

Updates from other initiatives

First EUCANCan community engagement webinar

International Data Sharing of Cancer Genomic Data

3 November 2020 | 3-5 pm CET, Online

Register now

GOBLET Annual Global Meeting

Presentations and recordings are now available

GOBLET is happy to report that you can now find all presentations and recordings (as YouTube playlist) of the virtual Annual Global Meeting last September.
Download the slides and watch the YouTube playlist

If you want to know more and get involved in GOBLET, don't hesitate to reach out. Get in touch at info@mygoblet.org

Upcoming ELIXIR events & webinars

ELIXIR Training Courses & Webinars

The ELIXIR TeSS portal has a variety of interesting events and courses organised by the ELIXIR Nodes. A link off to the TeSS portal

Using competencies to guide training and professional development

12 October 2020 | Online

The BioData.pt Plant Sciences Community

22 October 2020 | Online

Metagenomics bioinformatics Workshop

26 November 2020 | Online

First Steps with Python in Life Sciences

13 December 2020 | Lausanne, Switzerland

NGSGenome variant analysis

89 December 2020 | Bern, Switzerland

First Steps with R in Life Sciences

1718 December 2020 | Zurich, Switzerland

ELIXIR Events and Conferences

EBIF 2020 Series | Commercialisation of Research in Bioinformatics

29 October 2020 | Online

Job vacancies

All vacancies are also published on the ELIXIR website (also including those from industry). If you need our help communicating your new open positions, you can submit a job advertisement and it will automatically appear on our newsletters. Go to our vacancy page to submit a job

Scientific Data Programmer at the Disease Systems Biology Programme at the Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Protein Research

The Disease Systems Biology Programme, Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Protein Research, University of Copenhagen

Single Cell Genomics Computational Biologist

Centre for Genomic Regulation

Computer scientist (m/f/d) as ELIXIR Germany Platform Manager (Compute, Data, Interoperability, Tools, Training)

Center for Biotechnology (CeBiTec)

Postdoctoral Position at the Cellular and Systems Neurobiology Lab

Centre for Genomic Regulation

Funds Manager

Centre for Genomic Regulation