Hub Updates
The ELIXIR Board 2018 Autumn meeting took place last week in Ljubljana, Slovenia. The main outcome include approval of the ELIXIR Scientific Programme 2019-2023 and ELIXIR Financial plan for 2019-2023. The new Scientific Programme will be available for the ELIXIR 5th Anniversary event in Brussels on 11 December 2018.
The Biohackathon took place this week in Paris. Around 150 participants worked on 29 projects that support the operations across ELIXIR technical Platforms. See photos by Berenice Batut (ELIXIR Germany), read the Daily reports from the event.
Updates from Nodes
Registrations are open for the course on High Performance Computing for genomic applications, organized for the D-BIOL researchers by Scientific IT Services, in Zrich, Switzerland, on 26-27 November 2018.
de.NBI (ELIXIR Germany) organises the 4th FAIRDOM/de.NBI Systems Biology Developers Foundry on 6-7 December in Frankfurt.
de.NBI also hosts COMBINE (Computational Modellig in Biology Network) 2019 Conference on 15-19 July 2019 in Heidelberg.
Job board
University of Bielefeld (Lead institute of de.NBI - ELIXIR Germany) and ZB MED - Information Centre for Life Sciences are hiring a Professor of Service Science in the Life Sciences. Deadline for applications is 10 December 2018.
The Global Alliance for Genomics and Health (GA4GH) is currently looking for an Data Security Technologist.
The Centre for Molecular and Biomolecular Informatics (CMBI) is currently looking for an Assistant Professor of Bioinformatics for Personalized Medicine at Radboudumc in Nijmegen, the Netherlands.
ELIXIR Sweden is looking for one or two system developers with operational responsibility, based at Uppsala University.
The SIB Text Mining group in Geneva (part of ELIXIR Switzerland) is looking for three associate researchers.
The Galaxy team at the University of Freiburg (part of ELIXIR Germany) is looking for a full time JavaScript developer to support the development of the Galaxy Europe instance.
Upcoming events
The ELIXIR TeSS portal has a variety of interesting events and courses organised by the ELIXIR Nodes.
ELIXIR events
ELIXIR Board meeting
11 December 2018 | Brussels, Belgium
ELIXIR 5th Anniversary Event
12 December | Brussels, Belgium
HoN meeting