Discover the programme of the ELIXIR All Hands 2021
1-11 June 2021
Take a look at our programme that features numerous exciting keynotes and workshops. We will launch the registration this week, so please keep an eye on our website or social media channels to register!
Visit the event page
Join us for the next ELIXIR Bioinformatics Industry Forum
19 May 2021 | 16:30-18:30 CEST
The theme of this EBIF webinar is Cloud systems for multi-omics analysis. Join representatives from BioStrand, Google Cloud, and EMBL-EBI for this event on how to cloud technologies can enable analysis at scale.
Event details and registration
We're hiring at the Hub
ELIXIR Training Coordinator
Deadline tomorrow 20 April
Read more and apply
Register for the ELIXIR-CONVERGE Communications Workshop
25 May 2021
We would like to invite everyone who works in or is interested in communications from across ELIXIR to join us for this ELIXIR-CONVERGE Communications Workshop. The aim of this workshop is not to offer specific training on any tool or platform, but more about general methods and tips on how to develop engaging and factual communications in the context of ELIXIR. All welcome.
Register here
Recommended reads of the week
De-novo FAIRification via an Electronic Data Capture system by automated transformation of filled electronic Case Report Forms into machine-readable data
Published by ELIXIR Netherlands
In medical research, data is often collected and stored via electronic Case Report Forms (eCRFs) in Electronic Data Capture (EDC) systems. By implementing a de-novo FAIRification process in such a system, the reusability and, thus, scalability of FAIRification across research projects can be greatly improved.
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Sequence variation, common tissue expression patterns and learning models: a genome-wide survey of vertebrate ribosomal proteins
Published by ELIXIR Greece
There are notions that some protein-coding ribosomal genes vary in their roles across species, particularly vertebrates, through the involvement of some in a number of genetic diseases. Based on extensive sequence comparisons and systematic curation, we establish a reference set for ribosomal proteins (RPs) in eleven vertebrate species and quantify their sequence conservation levels.
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Updates from Nodes
Join the ELIXIR-CZ Tools and Database weekly flash talks
Did you know that ELIXIR-CZ organises weekly flash (30 minute) online presentations on tools and databases? Here are the upcoming sessions (all starting at 09:30 CEST):
- 23 April | Metadynminer and Metadynreporter
- 30 April | SPCI: Structural and physicochemical interpretation of QSAR models
- 7 May | FireProt: Computational tool for the design of stable proteins
Course: Microbial analysis with Chipster
20-21 May 2021 | Online | Free
This hands-on course is organized by CSC (ELIXIR-FI) and it covers all the analysis steps from quality control and filtering to quantification and statistical analysis using Mothur and Phyloseq tools integrated in the user-friendly Chipster platform.
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Cool tools for science
12-13 May 2021 | Registration deadline 1 May
Join this second edition of Cool Tools for Science, run by ELIXIR Portugal. Including cool gadgets, platforms, protocols and software!
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Dutch government invests 68.5 million to advance Health-RI's national health data infrastructure
The COVID-19 pandemic has shown the importance of an integrated national health data infrastructure. In receiving this funding Health-RI, for which DTL/ELIXIR-NL is a co-founder, is able to further develop the infrastructure needed to securely store, combine and make health data accessible for research and innovation.
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CWL Lesson Hackathon
ELIXIR-NL organised a CWL Lesson Hackathon 22-23 March, 2021. By the end of the lesson hackathon, the team made good progress towards a coherent CWL lesson aimed for novices, fully (re-)usable both by ELIXIR, the CWL community and anyone that needs practical, hands-on training on CWL.
The group will continue the efforts through regular monthly meetings, in order to finalise and further refine the lesson.
Get involved
Updates from other initiatives
EOSC-Life debates at the RDA House of Commons
Carole Goble and Claudia Alen Amaro will be representing EOSC-Life in this debate among the cluster projects. Registration is free
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Upcoming ELIXIR events and webinars
ELIXIR Training courses and webinars
The ELIXIR TeSS portal has a variety of interesting events and courses organised by the ELIXIR Nodes. A link off to the TeSS portal
Metadynminer and Metadynreporter
23 April | 09:30-10:00 CEST
FAIRSFAIR Workshop: National policy and support actions for research data skills - impact and experiences
28 April 2021 | 14:00-16:30 CEST
ELIXIR Webinar: Genetic Discrimination Observatory
29 April 2021 | 17:00 CEST
Genome assembly and Annotation
Jointly organised by ELIXIR Norway, Sweden, France and Slovenia
3-7 May 2021 | Online
ELIXIR Webinar: Towards professionalising data stewardship
18 May 2021 | 15:00 CEST
Microbial community analysis with Chipster
20-21 May 2021 | Online
ELIXIR Events and Conferences
Innovation and SME Forum: Building the learning ecosystem of health: from data tracking to preventive medicine
Abstract deadline 16 April
1315 September 2021 | Online
Job vacancies
All vacancies are also published on the ELIXIR website (also including those from industry). If you need our help communicating your new open positions, you can submit a job advertisement and it will automatically appear on our newsletters. Go to our vacancy page to submit a job
Phenomics Team Leader
Backend Developer (m/f/d)
PROTrEIN ITN Network in Computational Proteomics
Center for Genomic Regulation
Fully funded PhD position in Computational Biology/Bioinformatics at University of Tbingen.
University of Tbingen
Coordinator Research Data Science & Artificial Intelligence
Wageningen University & Research (WUR)