Weekly Brief 18 June 2018

Hub updates


The next ELIXIR webinar takes place this week on Wednesday 20 June at 15.00 CEST. It will present Wikidata, an open, semantic web-compatible database that anyone, humans and machines alike, can edit, and the Gene wiki project that is using Wikidata.

We are planning to write a report highlighting how ELIXIR Nodes engage with industrial partners, which we hope will inspire future collaboration by showcasing success stories. If you would like to present your Node in this report, please fill in the survey. There is no need to complete again if you already did for the All Hands industry workshop. For any additional questions or if you want to share your industry engagement success stories, contact Katharina Lauer at katharina.lauer@elixir-europe.org.

Updates from Platforms

Two papers on AAI (Federated Identity Management for Research Collaborations and A Common AAI for Life Science Research) were presented at the TNC18 Conference in Trondheim, Norway, on 10-14 June 2018.
The Biocontainers group published a new paper on the ELIXIR F1000R channel presenting the results of the Hackathon in Paris in 2017 and the progress done during the first months of the Containers Implementation Study.
Read the summary of the ELIXIR Training Platform activities at the ELIXIR All Hands meeting in Berlin on 4-7 June 2018.

You can still register for ELIXIR-EXCELERATE Train the Trainer (TtT) workshop on 20-21 August in Antwerp, Belgium, organised by ELIXIR Belgium in collaboration with ELIXIR Netherlands and DTL. Candidates from ELIXIR Nodes may apply for an ELIXIR-EXCELERATE TtT Exchange Program Travel Grant.

Updates from Communities

You can now register for the kick-off meeting of the ELIXIR Implementation Study on Metabolite Identification on 18 -19 September in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

You are also welcome to register for the BENELUX Metabolomics Days, organized back-to-back on 19-20 September at the same location as the kick-off (registration fees do apply). The conference will bring together researchers from academia and industry from Belgium, Luxemburg and the Netherlands with many European invited guest speakers

Updates from Nodes

EMBL-EBI is organising training course Exploring Biological Sequences on 13-15 November 2018 in Hinxton, UK. The registration is now open.
ELIXIR Netherlands is co-organising a conference track themed "Data handling and analytics for health" in Amsterdam on 31 October 2018 as part of the international IEEE eScience conference. Call for abstracts for oral presentations is now open, deadline: 18 June 2018.
Registrations are open for the SIB course Comparative Genomics, in Lausanne, Switzerland, on 3-5 September 2018.

Job board

Masaryk University (part of ELIXIR Czech Republic) is looking for Scientific Software Architect to join the CERIT-SC team.

ELIXIR UK is recruiting for the Node Coordinator (Head of Coordination office). The post is based at Earlham Institute in Norwich, UK.

ELIXIR Switzerland is looking for post-doc to work on life science semantic data integration. The post holder will be part of the CALIPHO group, affiliated to the University of Geneva.

ELIXIR Sweden is looking for one or two agile system developers to join the SciLifeLab team at the Uppsala University.

Upcoming events

The ELIXIR TeSS portal has a variety of interesting events and courses organised by the ELIXIR Nodes.

ELIXIR events

20 June 2018
ELIXIR Webinar on WikiData and Gene wiki

6-10 July 2018, Chicago, USA
ISMB 2018 (including ELIXIR Session on 10 July)

8-12 September | Athens, Greece
ECCB 2018 (including ELIXIR Application Track)

12-13 November 2018 | Ljubljana, Slovenia
ELIXIR Board meeting

12-16 November 2018 | Paris, France
ELIXIR Biohackathon