Hub updates
Help us improve the ELIXIR website by doing our online card sorting exercise. This will give us an idea of the best way to organise the information on the site. It shouldn't take more than 10 minutes. Go to the card sort.
A reminder that registration is now open for the All Hands 2017 taking place 21-23 March in Rome. You can already see a preliminary agenda overview.
We have the opportunity to organise several flashtalks and workshops on the afternoon of the 22 March and the 23 March. To get your ideas on the content of these talks please use this google document to submit your suggestions before Friday 28 October.
Read about the latest news from ELIXIR Industry programme in the October issue of the ELIXIR Industry update.
Platform updates
The slides and recording from the first webinar on the process for the selection of ELIXIR Core Data Resources are now available for viewing via the ELIXIR website. A second webinar will take place on Monday 14 November 2016.
As agreed with the Heads of Nodes committee this will be a preliminary process with the primary purpose of understanding if this is an effective, excellence driven approach. If you are considering any submissions speak to your Head of Node. Read our news release. The webinar on Computerome, the Danish National Supercomputer for Life Sciences, due to take place this Wednesday 19 October, has been rescheduled to Wednesday 30 November 2016 15.00 CET.
A webinar on the ELIXIR Technical Services Roadmap is scheduled to take place on Wednesday 16 November 2016 15.00 CET.
Find out more about ELIXIR Webinars here.
Updates from Nodes
Ewan Birney, joint Director of EMBL-EBI has been appointed Chair of the Global Alliance for Genomics and Health. Ewan will assume the new role on 1 November. The High Level Expert Group on EOSC, chaired by Barend Mons, has published its report setting out a series of recommendations on the subject. Read about the latest news from ELIXIR UK in the October issue of the ELIXIR UK newsletter.
A reminder that ELIXIR has launched a series of project management network monthly phone conferences to take place every second Monday of the month from 14:00-15:00 CET time. The phone conferences are intended to provide a forum for discussion for project management and administrative staff from the Nodes.
Interested parties should register for the Project Management Network to receive further information. For more information about upcoming events see the ELIXIR Project Management Network Google calendar.
Job board
SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (ELIXIR Switzerland) is seeking a Head of Communications.
Leiden University Medical Centre (ELIXIR- Netherlands) currently has various positions available in the area of bioinformatics.
ELIXIR France is seeking a post doc bioinformatician in genome assembly and annotation.
Upcoming events
ELIXIR related Workshops and Courses organised by ELIXIR Nodes
Swiss German Galaxy Tour/Day 201625-26 October 2016 | Rome, Italy
Combined CHARME - EMBnet and NETTAB 2016 Workshop, 'Reproducibility, standards and SOP in bioinformatics'
26 - 28 October 2016 | Berlin, Germany
1st conference of the European Association of Systems Medicine
1-3 November 2016 | Hinxton, UK
Exploring biological sequence data - training course
1-3 November 2016 | Maastricht, Netherlands
BYOD event on WikiPathways,, and Rett Syndrome
31 Oct - 3 Nov 2016 | Heraklion, Crete
Variant Effect Prediction Training Course
2-4 November 2016 | Oeiras, Portugal
Analysis of B and T cell repertoires from high-throughput sequencing data using bioinformatics workflows
7-8 November 2016 | Harpenden, UK
ELIXIR-UK All-Hands meeting
7-8 November 2016 | Brussels, Belgium
ELIXIR Belgium Data Workshop
8 November 2016, Lausanne, Switzerland
Practical introduction to SPARQL for biologists and informaticians
7-9 November 2016 | Heidelberg, Germany
International de.NBI Symposium, "Bioinformatics for Human Health and Disease"
10 November 2016, Lausanne, Switzerland
First Steps with UNIX in Life Sciences
15-17 November 2016, Lausanne, Switzerland
Introduction to Biological Network Analysis
21-25 November 2016 | Nijmegen, Netherlands
Comparative Genomics: from evolution to function (3rd edition)
28 Nov - 1 Dec 2016 | Hinxton, UK
Exploring genomic variation with high throughput sequencing data
28 Nov - 2 Dec 2016 | Roscoff, France
Metabolomics course in Galaxy Infrastructure
1-2 December 2016, Bern, Switzerland
RNA-seq: From quality control to pathway analysis