Hub updates
- The Galaxy Community keeps growing and evolving. Check out the latest developments in our news release
- ELIXIR supports Staff Exchange Project. We have allocated a budget for the Travel Grant Scheme. Want to know if this is for you? Check the outcomes of the first workshop
- First results from the FAIRplus project available here!
- Recommended read | RI-PATHS 4th Newsletter
Register for this Wednesday's Webinar!
ELIXIR Guest Webinar: Text mining of disease-gene networks
19 February 2020 | Online | 14:00 GMT/15:00 CET
Available Workshop slots for the 19th European Conference on Computational Biology
5-9 September 2020 | Barcelona, Spain
- Submit your proposals Tell us the aim, predicted outcome and its alignment with a Platform, Community or strategic ELIXIR activity
- Chose a half-day workshop or a full-day slot
- Deadline 13th of March!
- Contact Jen Harrow
Due to an unexpected overlap of #CONVERGE with several other topics on social media, we will adopt a new, distinct hashtag: #ELIXIRCONVERGE.
Our excellent Communications Officer, Erin Haskell, will officially start her maternity leave this Thursday. Please, contact Xnia Prez Sitj for any communications-related queries at or at
Tip of the Week
Updates from Nodes
ELIXIR-FI publishes a fascinating article: A dog can smell diseases
ELIXIR-DE | de.NBI thanks all 1586 training course participants from 2019 with a substantial increase in participation since 2018
ELIXIR-IT launches the Laniakea@ReCaS service to provide personalised management of Galaxy instances.
Calling now for applications for the pilot service
Updates from Platforms
LAST CHANCE TO APPLY for funding (2000) for up to 10 established training events in 2020. The deadline is Today, 17 of February. Any questions contact Jessica Lindvall (ELIXIR-SE),
A paper on TeSS was recently accepted and published by Oxford University Press to review the training platform's features, workflows and future prospects.
Job board
Bioinformatics Training and Support - SIB, ELIXIR Switzerland
Training Group at SIB and Interfaculty Bioinformatics Unit at University of Bern
Natural Language Processing Engineer position at the Integrative Biomedical Informatics group
Research Programme on Biomedical Informatics (GRIB)
Bioinformatician / Computational biologist at the Computational Genomics group
Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS) and Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona)
Data scientist / postdoc bioinformatics
Radboud University Medical Center
Research Associate - Bioinformatician
WT Stem Cell Institute
Upcoming ELIXIR events
ELIXIR events
3-Day Course Single-cell Transcriptomics
1-3 April 2020 | University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Software Carpentry Course
30-31 March 2020 | Cologne, Germany
Innovation and SME Forum: Data-Driven Innovation in the Agritech Sector
24 -25 March 2020 | Lyon, France
ELIXIR Bioinformatics Industry Forum
28 April 2020 | London, UK