Weekly Brief 17 December 2018

Hub Updates

The ELIXIR 5th Anniversary conference, took place last week on Tuesday in Brussels, Belgium. The slides and photos will soon be available online.

The 5th Anniversary Conference also officially presented ELIXIR new Scientific Programme for 2019-23. Print copies will be distributed to ELIXIR Nodes in January 2019.

ELIXIR Platforms, Communities and ELIXIR Nodes are invited to submit their proposals for ELIXIR webinars to be held in 2019. Please express your interest by filling in a short online questionnaire on the ELIXIR website.

This is the last Weekly Brief of 2019, we'll be back again on 7 January 2019. We would like to thank you for your hard work in 2018 and wish you all the very best in 2019. Happy Holiday season!

Platform updates

ELIXIR last week announced its first portfolio of Recommended Interoperability Resources (RIRs) to facilitate interoperability and reusability of life science data and support the principles of FAIR data management.

A new production deployment of bio.tools is available. New developments include an upgraded data model, a revamped API allowing precise queries over tool metadata, enhanced faceting, interactive annotations, new presentation of publication information and better search behaviour. Please provide your feedback through registry-support@elixir-dk.org

The Tools Platform will be organising their yearly F2F meeting at the VIB in Ghent between 28-30th January, registration is available through Eventbrite.

If you would like to join the Programme Committee of the BioHackathon 2019, please contact Jen Harrow (jen.harrow@elixir-europe.org) at the Hub by 21 December.

Communities updates

ELIXIR welcomes its newest Community, the Human Copy Number Variation Community, whose white paper was approved at the December Heads of Nodes meeting.

Updates from Nodes

New publication by ELIXIR Finland demonstrates how ELIXIR Finland, supports life science research, biotechnological innovation and its translation to economy.

The Software Sustainability Institute is organising a CarpentryConnect event on 25-27 June 2019 in Manchester, in collaboration with the Manchesters Cathie Marsh Institute for Social Research and with support from Manchesters Data Science Institute. Sign up for further updates.

Registrations are open for the SIB course on First Steps with UNIX in Life Sciences, in Lausanne on 30 January 2019.

Registrations are open for the SIB course on R packaging, in Zurich on 5 February 2019.

DTL and ELIXIR-NL are organising Data Carpentry Genomics workshop on February 5-6, 2019 at the Wageningen University & Research (WUR). Pre-registration is now open.

ELIXIR France (IFB) AGM will take place in Paris this week on 19 December 2018.

Job board

Radboud University (part of ELIXIR Netherlands) is hiring Data Steward to work at Centre for Biomolecular and Molecular Informatics and Radboud Technology Center for Data Stewardship.

IRB Barcelona (part of ELIXIR Spain) is currently looking to hire a talented and highly motivated Postdoctoral Researcher to join the Structural Bioinformatics and Network Biology group.

The National Centre for Biotechnology (CNB-CSIC, part of ELIXIR Spain) is seeking a candidate to work on the 3DBIONOTES project.

The Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (part of ELIXIR Netherlands) has an open tenure track position in Bioinformatics or Statistical Machine Learning. Applications need to be received by 19 December 2018.

The Centre for Genomic Regulation (part of ELIXIR Spain) is currently looking to fill the Postdoctoral Position on Human Genomics Data. The successful candidate will co-load the curation and enrichment of EGA metadata and raw data in a context of HPC and Big Data.

The Global Alliance for Genomics and Health (GA4GH) is currently looking for an Data Security Technologist.

The Caesar Foundation, based in Bonn, Germany, is currently looking to fill the position of Head of Scientific Computing. The primary goal of the research group will be to provide a central resource for scientific algorithm development, data analysis, image anaylsis, machine learning expertise and software development.

Upcoming events

The ELIXIR TeSS portal has a variety of interesting events and courses organised by the ELIXIR Nodes.

ELIXIR events

5-6 March 2019 | Stockholm, Sweden
ELIXIR Innovation and SME event: Genomics and Associated Data in National Healthcare Initiatives