This week's highlights
ELIXIR LEadership And Diversity mentoring programme (ELEAD)
Call for participation
ELEAD aims to increase the number of women in ELIXIRs upper management and to support them to develop leadership skills in line with the values of the ELIXIR community. The ELEAD pilot consists of a mentoring scheme, professional training and guidance in key leadership skills. It builds on ELIXIR Spain experience of the Bioinfo4Women programme (B4W).
Mentee expression of interest form (closes April 28)
The ELIXIR innovation and industry programme - how are we doing?
Interactions with industry have been a key part of ELIXIR since the infrastructure was launched in 2013. Nearly ten years on, we reflect on how the ELIXIR industry programme has evolved and its impact so far.
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Register for the RDMkit Contentathon!
22-24 May | Ghent, Belgium or online
An opportunity to add your expertise on managing life sciences data, software and other research outputs to RDMkit.
Register by 7 May | View the agenda
Reminder: ELIXIR Node industry engagement days pilot programme
Closing 31 April 2023
Nodes with an emerging interest in industry engagement are invited to host a day to connect with their national industry ecosystem and explore industry engagement based on the Nodes strategic goals and priorities.
Nodes already engaged with their national industry ecosystem are advised to consider hosting an Innovation and SME Forum scheme.
Recommended reads
An evaluation of EDAM coverage in the Tools Ecosystem
and prototype integration of Galaxy and WorkflowHub
A BioHackathon Europe paper
Here we report the results of a project started at the BioHackathon Europe 2022. Its goals were to cross-compare and analyze the metadata centralized in the Tools Ecosystem, and linked to the EDAM ontology, as well as to explore methods for connecting tools used in registered Galaxy workflows (i.e. WorkflowHub entries) to the annotations available in
Read more
Robust bioinformatics approaches result in the first polygenic risk score for BMI in Greek adults
An ELIXIR Greece paper
Quantifying the role of genetics via construction of polygenic risk scores is useful tool to enable and promote effective obesity prevention strategies. The present paper proposes a novel methodology for PRS extraction and presents the first PRS for body mass index in a Greek population.
Updates from Nodes
Open Life Science joins ELIXIR-UK
Open Life Science (OLS) have joined ELIXIR-UK, bringing the Node to 23 members (and 1 observer). OLS is mentoring and training programme for those interested in becoming Open Science ambassadors.
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Bridging the gap between researchers and the life sciences & health research infrastructures
13-14 June 2023 |lunch to lunch |Utrecht, Netherlands & online
Save the date! A Health-RI/EOSC-Life workshop showcasing EATRIS, BBMRI and ELIXIR tools and resources.
Event page (final program and registration details to follow soon)
Upcoming courses from the Netherlands Bioinformatics and Systems Biology research school
- Molecular Epidemiology of Complex Diseases
- Algorithms for Biomolecular Networks (Advanced)
- Algorithms for Genomics
- Integrated Modeling and Optimization (Fundamental)
Updates from Platforms
ELIXIR-GOBLET Train-the-Trainer for ELIXIR Systems Biology & Single-Cell Omics Communities
22-26 May 2023 | 10-13:30 CET | online
This special Train-the-Trainer includes a session on presentations, tips from expert trainers and time for discussion on the challenges when teaching in these two scientific areas. Registration is now open, everyone interested in becoming a better trainer is welcome to attend.
Programme and registration link
Workshop: FAIRification of training materials an introduction
3 May 2023 |online
All are welcome to attend the workshop, hosted by ELIXIR-EMBL-EBI, as part of the EOSC-Life project.
Event information Registration
Updates from Communities
Galaxy Smrgsbord 2023
22-26 May 2023 | Online
Smrgsbord is a training programme with a combination of lectures and hands-on training sessions with Galaxy. All training sessions are offered in the form of both tutorials and video recordings with online support available from experienced instructors from the Galaxy Training community via chat and video conferencing.
More information and registrationUpdates from other initiatives
This Wednesday! Reducing research waste across
19 April | 9 CET | online
Research waste is all the research with a limited or no informative value. The symposium will bring this multitude of stakeholders, both in the panel and the audience, together. We will start by two short presentations of what is currently known about research waste, followed by a panel discussion.
Find out more
Apply now: RItrainPlus management training programme
RItrainPlus is accepting applications to its brand new management training programme aimed at professionals in a research infrastructure or core facility.
The continuous professional development programme, organised as a pilot in summer 2023, has been designed to strengthen the managerial capabilities of professionals working in scientific institutions.
Find out more
Apply now: Eurizon fellowship programme - Remote research grants for Ukrainian researchers
Upcoming ELIXIR events & webinars
ELIXIR Training Courses & Webinars
The ELIXIR TeSS portal has a variety of interesting events and courses organised by the ELIXIR Nodes. For more, visit TeSS portal
PerMedCoE course: From transcriptomics to mechanistic models of signalling
18 April 2023 | 13:00-16:00 CEST | Online
SIB course: Docker and Singularity for reproducible research: getting started with containers
26 April 2023 | Online
SIB course: First Steps in Parallelization with OpenMP
2 May 2023 | Online
SIB course: NGS - Quality Control, Alignment, Visualisation
15-17 May 2023 | Bern, Switzerland
Galaxy: Smrgsbord 2023
22-26 May 2023 | Online
SIB course: Gene Expression made Useful Easily: Tools and Database of Bgee
26 May 2023 | Online
SIB course: Data Analysis and Representation in Python
1 June 2023 | Online
SIB course: Optimizing Python Code for Better Performance
2 June 2023 | Online
SIB course: Submitting, Finding and Downloading Raw Sequencing Data with ENA
12 June, 2023 | Bern, Switzerland
BioSB course: Molecular Epidemiology of Complex Diseases
12-16 June 2023 | Maastricht, the Netherlands
BioSB course: Algorithms for Biomolecular Networks
26-30 June 2023 | Wageningen, the Netherlands
ELIXIR Events and Conferences
ELIXIR All Hands 2023
5-8 June 2023 | Dublin, Ireland
IDP Community F2F/hybrid Meeting
3-4 July 2023 | Hybrid - Bratislava, Slovakia
BioHackathon Europe 2023
30 October - 3 November 2023 | Barcelona, Spain
Job vacancies
All vacancies are also published on the ELIXIR website (also including those from industry). If you need our help communicating your new open positions, you can submit a job advertisement and it will automatically appear on our newsletters. Go to our vacancy page to submit a job
Web developers and designers
Data Scientist
Centro de Ciencias do Mar (CCMAR)
Fixed-term technical position: Interoperability services for biomedical data
Biocomputing group - University of Bologna
Fixed-term technical position: Services based on machine and deep learning methodologies for the analysis of biological sequences and structures
Biocomputing group - University of Bologna
FAIR Data Coordination Project Lead / Coordinator